Friday, July 11, 2014

Week 28 ~Celebrate the Season

What is there to celebrate about Hurricane season?

Our power was only out 3 times totaling 15 hours all during daylight  Neighbors lost power for 5 days... there are people who still don't have it back, None of my trees fell down.. we're sheltered from the NW... however there is lots of softwood firewood laying everywhere else on the island!   My flowers are flat but are starting to pop back up (unless the deer ate them!)

What did I do when the power was out... Played with some barbed needles and some wool
Folk Art Dory's

Fish Scape
Managed to get the second one a bit closer to 'square!'

Check on the linkze link below to see what other people have to celebrate during hurricane season!


  1. Usually Hurricanes in July are the provenance of Florida, where I live. What crazy weather we are having. But how creative you were during "lights out."

  2. Oh - looks like you're making the best of a stressful situation!! Love those!! Stay safe!!

  3. Well that's making lemons out of lemonade! Hopefully you didn't lose any food. We used to lose power when we lived back East and often would be unable to save our frozen items which can really add up!

  4. That looks like fun! I hope things are back to normal soon so you can enjoy your summer.

  5. I'm glad it wasn't worse than it was and you were able to do something creative. I usually end up reading a book when our power goes out.
