Friday, March 14, 2014

Week 11 ~ Beauty All Around

Focus on life March 2014 This month we are suppose to be 'checking out' ...(After this winter I would really like to be checking out' of here!)  It is still nasty here... another winter storm is forecast for tomorrow... will this winter ever end?

I actually remembered to check the prompt on Sunday...  (I liked it when we got weekly letters last year) but by Monday morning had forgotten what the prompt was.... Last night sitting in the hot tub... it was absolutely calm  (almost never happens here) with somewhat strange lighting so I ran back in the house and grabbed a camera.. then shot a bunch of pictures of the boats in the cove...  and was pleasantly surprised when I rechecked the prompt this morning that I could actually use them!
Fish eye lense from the hot tub  (12 feet lower than last weeks picture)

same view no fish eye zoomed in...  The four matching boats belong to one of  salmon companies

A bit later the mist was starting to roll in
(the water is Lords Cove which attaches directly to the Bay of Fundy ... part of the North Atlantic.. we have 28 foot tides here)
My helper!

Even though I do not like DST it is rather nice sitting in the hot tub after supper in daylight.....

To see how other people interpreted this weeks prompt follow the link!


  1. Beautiful shots, Lynne! You are really getting good with that fisheye lens. The light and colors in the first shot are awesome. Love your little friend too!

  2. Beautiful photos! I love how your cat seems to be posing for the camera. So cute!

  3. Oh, I envy you in your hot tub with that view! We're supposed to get snow Sunday or Monday, sigh...

  4. See, you're thawing a little bit :) Gorgeous shots - your helper seems more of checking that all is in order than help ;)

  5. Beautiful. It's nice that Spring is starting to show signs of actually sticking around

  6. Oh what cool photos - I really like that fish-eye one and the one w/the mist coming in - too cool. And your helper is just gorgeous! Definite beauty there for certain!!

  7. Your helper so looks like Molly-cat - what a pretty kitty! And I love the fish-eye shots :)

  8. Beautiful pictures, I love this fisheye lens effect!

  9. I loved these photos!!! So serene and beautiful. Your cat is a handsome fella toO! :)

  10. Sometimes beauty is an attitude. A willingness to see... Lovely shots. I especially like your cat. It's wonderful when they agree to pose like that!

  11. Very cool photo with that fisheye lens! what a pretty helper you have! and can't believe you have 28 ft tides? wow!

  12. What a beautiful view - I love the golden glow in the first shot. Your helper is very cute too, and possibly knows it?!

  13. I love your photos of the cove. Nice view from the hot tub. How much 'help' does your helper actually provide though?

  14. Oooh a hot tub in the snow with that fabulous view. A little piece of nirvana! Stunning piccies.
