Friday, February 21, 2014

Year 2 ~ Week Six: Capture Color (COLOUR!)

Missed last week the first week I've missed in 13 months.....  I took the pictures ...should have posted on Saturday but got stuck in Toronto coming home from Tucson .. so had Valentine's dinner courtesy of AC.
A quick summary of the last 11 days, my fathers 90th birthday, my 25th wedding anniversary, a typical non event Valentines and the death of my mother this tuesday. (there will be a celebration of her life in may or june) not to mention a very long flight home from Tucson and as usual by the time I got home  I was sick from the airport, people, recycled airplane air.. who knows.... Being sick just added to an already strained February!

Here's one of last weeks pictures no collage...
My cactus heart for valentine's day
My loot from the Painting with Fire teacher certification workshop in Tucson

Tucson sunset from the hotel room window (Through the window)

We had green grass two weeks ago!

My husband thinks we should offer a 90% discount to the first person willing to walk under that snow overhang over the gallery door!

Check other other links to see COLOUR!


  1. I'm sorry about your Mom. It's always a challenge...

    Your beads are glorious.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. It sounds like a miserable 11 days.
    That sunset is glorious!

  3. Oh Lynne - such sad news to hear about your Mom. Hope you and your family are managing ok. I heard you were going to Tucson. I was there on the 7th but just did a down and back. Hope your time there was better than the flight home!


  4. What challenges you have overcome to bring us these beautiful shots! Sincere sympathies on the passing of your mother. Beautiful work.

  5. So sorry for your loss... a real up and down 11 days (our 25th anniversary's in April)
    But what a gift of a sunset - just gorgeous!
    Keep warm and safe x

  6. I'm so sorry for your loss Lynne, it must have been so difficult for you.

    Beautiful photographs... I love your beads especially the blue flower on the pink disk.

    Sending a virtual hug x

  7. Oh, I am so sorry about your Mom - thoughts and prayers to you and yours. Sorry to have missed you in Tucson as well - I spent a good portion of one of my gem show days in the dr's office w/my girlfriend who was having ear/sinus stuff and missed out meeting up w/Paula K. too - it's a weird kind a month. I'm blaming in Retrograde! I do love your photos though - especially the sunset - it's awesome!!

  8. I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you have gone through an emotional roller coaster the lst few weeks. Take care of yourself and keep posting such fabulous pictures.

  9. Hope you feel better soon. I want to offer my condolences on your Mother's passing. Aren't the Arizona sunsets fabulous? I saw a gorgeous sunset the other night but I didn't take time to go get my camera because I was raking snow off the roof and I wanted to get as much as possible off the roof before dark and the next snowfall.Your enameled pieces are beautiful. Enameling is something on my plate for this year .

  10. So sorry about your yucky few weeks - hope the snow melts soon and you are feeling better and know thoughts and prayers are headed your way.

  11. Goodness you've really had a roller coaster of a few days - very sorry to hear about your mum - my sincere condolences. You've posted some beautiful photos - that sunset is stunning and I love the picture of your gallery door - it's very quaint, even with the snow!

  12. Wow...sorry about the all the the pics, took me a min to figure out the heart cactus...looked like Micky Ears....hope you are doing better now...I just pasted the 1 year anniversary of my mothers passing. The first year is the hardest...hang in there.

  13. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, and a rough flight home. I'm not looking forward to our trip home.... we sat on the runway for 6 hours waiting to de-ice, then another hour in line just to get up in the air. Didn't arrive at the hotel until 4:30am. So hoping it isn't so bad on the return.

    Loving those beads! gorgeous enamel work.... any more 'stash' from Tucson? so jealous!

  14. You were in Tucson? Lucky you! I love your Painting with Fire loot. I'd love to learn how to do that.

  15. Oh my!! Your view is indeed like mine!
    And jeesh I have truly been dying to learn how to paint with fire!!
    And finally - sorry to hear about your mom. Thinking of you.

  16. Wow, what a month. Beautiful sunset shot. I LOVE the snow hanging over your door. It really defies gravity.

  17. I'm so sorry to learn you mom passed away.
    Your photos are all beautiful.

  18. I'm so very, very sorry for your loss. Sounds like a fraught few weeks you've had. I hope your sickness passes soon. Xxx

    I love your pictures, the 'loving' cactus tickled me pink and wow! What gorgeous enamalling! My first attempt involved red hot beads sproinging out of grip and leaving a trail of burn holes across the room.

    Love that snow overhang!

  19. Sorry to hear about your mom, Lynne. Glad you got home safely if not necessarily enjoyably.

  20. I see your husband has a great sense of humor! ;-) Love your photos, especially of your torch-fired enamel beads! I would so love to take that course too! --Sharyl
