Friday, January 17, 2014

Year2 ~ Week Three: A Black & white Self Portrait

All the near misses....  

A couple of people last year took pictures in the mirror....
thought it was a great idea

Now we've got this project out of the way for the year....

You can see how other people 'avoided' doing this challenge by clicking on the following links!


  1. I'm glad you shared your near misses. I had several of those too. I might have to try the mirror thing if it comes up again. I'm so glad we got this one out of the way!

  2. I like your collage of near misses. It looks like you had fun with this challenge.

  3. Thank goodness the self portrait prompt is out the way for the year, right?! LOL!! I love all your near misses - those are awesome! As are your mirror shots! ;-)

  4. ha - too funny with the near misses! but very nice shot of you in the mirror

  5. I had lots of near misses too! The mirror shots are pretty cool though!

  6. Not easy to aim a camera at yourself. I - to be honest - couldn't be bothered to drag out the tripod for a couple of photos

  7. The near misses make a great collage. I love the mirror shots, the flash looks like a light in your hand.

  8. Ha! Some of those near misses are pretty great! I chose one of mine as a Facebook Profile Picture. It's pretty creepy!

    I like the mirror shots. And the mirror!

  9. I love your collage of all the near misses. How many awkward positions did you have to get into to take them? LOL

  10. Funny - you somehow managed to get a photo with each separate feature of your face! Good mirror shots too!

  11. Lynn I like you portrait in the mirror. That was a good idea. Thanx for sharing your near misses they made me smile as I had lots of them too.

  12. Great collage! I had quite a few misses too!

  13. Great pics, I really like the profile pics they are fantastic!!

  14. Love the near-misses collage! My mirror attempts didn't work :(
    So well done you!!

  15. I love your collage and I love the mirror! Great shots!!!

  16. Your near misses look like they could by part of a "Where's Waldo" type book - spot Lynne! Agreed, glad to have that done!

  17. That makes for a cool collage effect! I like the one of your eyes just peeking up into the frame as if you are photobombing! Enjoy the day. Erin

  18. I like your idea of the collage of near misses, I had a lot of those too. It took some practice to get something I could use.

  19. Great Photos! The mirror shots are a great idea! You had asked about what software I used- I used Photoshop. But didn't add any color. I just used the saturation feature to make the colors more vivid. :)
