Friday, January 31, 2014

Year 2 Week Five: Get Outside!

Focus on Life week 5... Well most of our snow is melted... (for now) there were two significant ice storms around Christmas then rain then snow then rain... then COLD Here's a summary of our last 4 days and a link to what our house looked like 5 years ago in the middle of February!

The front yard this week  Mon - Thur

Our 'weather station'  Jan 27-30  Temp are in C so translated Monday was 44 F then it got cold Tues and wed were about +20... it's warming up again today 26... suppose to be + again by tomorrow!

What I look at on cold dreary days... (when I refuse to go outside!)   These  remind me that it's summer somewhere!
To see how other people are treating 'get outside' click on the following links!


  1. Wow - I checked out the link w/the snow pic - HOLY COW SMOKES BATGIRL! That was a TON of snow. Super Cool pics, tho. :-)
    Love your flowers in the pots and your thoughts on 'it's summer somewhere' - that's the spirit!! Enjoy your week!

  2. I should go buy some potted flowers for the house. At least I would have something alive and beautiful to look at until it's spring. Which I hope comes sooner rather than later!

  3. Impressive amount of snow 5 years ago!
    And yes your flowers are a great reminder of summer, warmth and beauty. I'll get some too!

  4. Your front yard definitely looks better without a ton of snow on it. Lovely orchids.

  5. I know it's easy for me to say sitting here in sunny Arizona but there's something soothing about so much snow, you have to hibernate (so long as you have all the essentials!) But glad you did not have to do that this year. Your orchids are a wonderful mini respite - gorgeous!

  6. Beautiful orchid. I bought a primrose this week to cheer me up.I am trying to stay positive but it is tough this year.

  7. Our weather has been up and down this winter, of course on a warmer scale. Your orchids are beautiful.

  8. Great idea! Focus on the flowers! :-D I can't even imagine that much snow! You must have surely felt "cabin fever"! wowzers!

  9. Your orchids are lovely. We were snowless until just this week.

  10. Wow, all that snow looks so beautiful but not so great if you have to live with it. I love your orchids - a great reminder that warmer weather is on it's way!

  11. Great photos! I just love the colorful orchids.

  12. The snow is not melting here today. In fact, we are getting a whole new layer of it.

  13. Yes, we live in a world of contrasts! Those orchids are just lovely!

  14. Crazy weather! A great idea to share different days...
    I LOVE orchids :D

  15. What a whacky winter it's been! I like seeing the different views of your house! And focusing on flowers is always a great idea!
