Friday, July 26, 2013

Week 30 - Catch the Sun

Focus on life... Sunshine  (what is that?)
If I wasn't currently sitting at 29/29 for these posts... I wouldn't be posting this week!

I have been away for the last 8 days got home late yesterday after flying over night in the middle seat of the plane... Today we got over 3 inches of rain.... We dont' need it, so no liquid sunshine images will be shown on this blog.  I apologize to everyone for not commenting last week but I couldn't get any of the macs in residence at my sisters house to recognize me....

This is a new gallery artist, Natasha Miller... the 'art' is an original charcoal sketch... I took pictures of a few of them to add to my 'real' blog.  I noticed when I was editing them that this one acquired a sun that isn't actually in the drawing!  A very appropriate reflection!

My sisters lavatera... My lavatera is all wild and the flowers are much smaller!

This really has nothing to do with sunshine.... My parents moved into a retirement condo almost 3 years ago... My mother got tired of dads change sitting on the dresser so she started sweeping it into this garbage can.  It was almost 1/3 full Wednesday when I took it the coin counter in the bank.  I  left the bank with $380!  (the wine bottle is for scale)

This may be the only picture that has anything to do with the prompt!

I've always wanted a yellow vehicle... they seem so bright and cheerful!

My son... yellow shirt and yellow flowers!... That's sunshine isn't it?

My parents... the purpose of the trip was my mothers 90th birthday.  
( dad will be 90 in February)

Flowers we bought for the party 
(the picture is their 60th wedding anniversary, their 65th was May 2011)

I'm not sure what this blog really has to do with sunshine.. I certainly didn't see the sun today.. I was wading through water in our basement...

To see how other people interpreted sunshine follow the links on  Sally's blog!

or click on the pictures below!


  1. Oh what wonderful pictures of your trip "home". There must have been LOTS of sunshine at that party. God Bless!

  2. If you look real hard, and stretch things a bit....the flowers, all of us, art, the truck...none would be here without the sun!

  3. The photo of your folks is sunshine personified. How great that you celebrated your Mom's 90th! I thought perhaps you included the wine since it can help generate a sunny disposition! Looks like you had a great trip!

  4. HaHa, get me one of those garbage cans and I guarantee my disposition will be "sunny" LOL.

  5. SO very sorry to hear about your travel woes...but you sure are a trooper! Love the picture of the artwork, and the one of your parents!

  6. A really lovely collection of photos - I love the art work, very beautiful, and the pink flowers are gorgeous - a great 'sunny' blog post!

  7. We got a lot of rain last week, lucky none in the house. Love the shot with the yellow vehicle.

  8. Great photos!! I loved hearing about your family which surely bring sunshine to your life. I hope the sun show itself very soon!

  9. My favorite part of any trip is coming home. Now on with the kitchen remodel!

  10. I love hearing about your trip- I saw lots of sunshine in those photos. I really like the reflection on the charcoal drawing.

  11. Love the pictures....that first one of the drawing is great. If you hadn't said anything, no one would have known. Great post...thanks so much for sharing.

  12. your flash put the sun in THE perfect place on the drawing - that's brilliant! thanks for sharing such wonderful family pics :)
    thanks too for stopping by, we've had visitors all weekend, so i'm just catching up :)
    have a great week :)

  13. I think your post was great, there are many BRIGHT images in it and congratulations to your parents!
