Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The kitchen..... Destruct Mode

 The North wall of the kitchen pre renovations....
Dish washer and kitchen sink missing...  Floor under the sink cupboard which is still in place was totally rotten!
One cabinet over from the sink  sold all the doors and a free standing counter to a fellow islander for $20 ... much cheaper and easier than hauling them to a 'restore' place in Saint John!
The home of the insulation in last weekends focus on life blog...  It's a balloon foundation so the former owners kids used to throw their treasures and garbage down the wall.. we found a shoe, a few pennies, toys, marbles, lots of paper, empty cherry blossom boxes, pencils etc.....

My son thinks we should sell this design to IKEA!  Temporary home of the sink... the red thing is my toaster!

New cupboards are suppose to arrive the week of July 15th  Will we be ready?


  1. Oh how exciting! I can't wait to see what they look like

  2. Part of the "charm" of living in a heritage house, Lynne?

  3. Yay! New kitchen on the way!

    Gorgeous garden pix (I've been playing catch up).

  4. Oh YAY we are plodding through a garage /basement/bedrooms renovation - so much fun to live through but I can't wait until it's DONE!!!
