Friday, May 24, 2013

Week 21: Reminisce

Focus on Life ... week 21's prompt
 This week capture what takes you back to moments past and reminisce a little.

I thought that I was being so smart this week...
when I was digging my shovel out of the garage mothers day... (the only nice day we've had this spring)... I remembered seeing  my pogo stick.  My former brother in law gave it to me when I was in hospital having my foot operated on when I was in Grade 12, when I saw this weeks prompt my pogo stick instantly came to mind... it was a 'no brainer'... problem was I waited until this morning to photograph said pogo stick and discovered that what I thought was my pogo stick was actually the handle for an old lawn mower... Not my pogo stick.

The handle for a push  lawn mower did bring back memories of mowing the family lawn with one. We did have  an electric mower but I insisted on using the push mower. Dad would stand on the side walk and tell everyone that was walking by that we had an electric mower.. and that I was mowing the lawn with the push mower because I wanted to!

It is now 2 pm on Friday afternoon, (pouring rain) & my brilliant idea is a bust.. my crutches were in the rafters in the garage, but they don't bring back memories of my orthopedic surgeon grabbing the pogo stick off the end of the bed and almost launching himself out the window of my hospital room at the old Edmonton General...

So you will have to settle for a picture of my cactus... which does not flower faithfully every year like my fathers.  Every summer dad would move his cactii which is the parents to mine outside and they would each get 8 or 10 flowers. My mother would drag the neighbours over to 'ooh and awe' over them. Mine has bloomed once in the back seat of the truck when we were moving it out here.... Instead of flowering it hatches babies every year, which you can break off and plant.  The original cactus was dug up in Southern Alberta long ago!

To see what other things bring back memeories to other people check out Sally's blog


  1. oh boy! that would be quite a sight seeing someone try a pogo stick in the hospital!

  2. Well, you're just going to have to find that pogo stick- too funny! The cactus is pretty cool looking.

  3. How cool it has babies. You can start a cactus nursery.

  4. Love the idea of your pogo stick. I was always waaaay too uncoordinated to get much of anywhere on one. You'd think I would have some helpful advise regarding cacti since I am surrounded by them but I have a proverbial black thumb - unlike you!

  5. There a few memories in there. What a wise guy your brother in law was! I loooved to jump on my pogo stick.

  6. Your post cracked me up when you said that what you thought was your pogo stick was actually the lawn mower handle! And, the thought of your surgeon on your pogo stick - classic! I love your cactus (great photo, too!) and how it has 'babies' - that's pretty cool!

  7. Yours wins the most hilarious post! It didn't even have to be the real thing that took you back to that pogo stick.

  8. Funny post! And a beautiful cactus even without blossoms :-)

  9. Do they even make pogo sticks anymore. Love how your looking for the pogo stitch led you to the push mower and memories of mowing your yard as a kid.

  10. Lynn your post made me laugh. Even if you don't have a pogo stick pic to show. You got to reminisce about it. My Mom has a Christmas cactus that was my Grandma's. It is over 50 years old. My sister has a start from it that is huge. The last time I was at Mom's she said that she would start one for me too. Your cactus made me think of it.

  11. Interesting stories of your youth--they made me laugh.

  12. Perfect example of how one
    thing leads to another.....

  13. LOL, OMG I've SO had that happen...not the doctor with the Pogo stick part! Just the thinking you're all set part, and then....not!
