Saturday, April 6, 2013

Week 14~ Up Close!

Focus On Life  .. well this was easy my croci started blooming last thursday or friday I saw the promp I took the photograph then we had a week of crappy weather!

 now have some pale purple ones too... but the weather wasn't condusive to gettin down and farmiliar with the ground!  These are totally unedited ... straight off the camera!

For other peoples versions of up close check out sally's blog I'm expecting to see a lot of srping flowers!


  1. what a welcome, sunny sight! though, there's no sign of spring sunshine in our part of the world *sigh*
    thanks for brightening my saturday :)

  2. Your photos put a smile on my face and a song in my heart - Spring is here! Yay!

  3. I love the first photo, perfect little flower!

  4. Beautiful shade of yellow! Sunshine is coming! Here in Israel everything is bursting with blooms and blossoms. I'm almost overwhelmed and don't know where to start with my camera...

  5. Beautiful: nothing says "spring is coming" better than snow-drops and crocus!

  6. it's a flower kind of prompt! your's are so sunny and happy ... and hopefully spring is finally finding you in your neck of the woods! we actually had 60 degrees yesterday! WOOT ... nice pics this week

  7. Love the yellow! Seems like a lot of us are hoping for spring and taking every chance we can get to photo it! Great picture!

  8. Beautiful photos--and unedited too! I love the early spring flowers but we have too many critters here on the edge of town that like to eat them.

  9. Your crocus pics are wonderful. The crocus is a sure sign of spring. I can hardly wait for them to bloom here.

  10. Love the crocus. Such a bright and cheery color. The first flowers are always the best in my opinion!

  11. Beautiful I am so glad that you had a nice day to get the shot of this beautiful flower.

  12. Your pictures are great. I bet you have been enjoying your crocuses, they are gorgeous.

  13. The photos are so bright and cheerful .. a great reminder that spring is here.

  14. what a happy spring post! You got some great close ups!

  15. So happy spring has sprung in your neck of the woods. Use to have crocus in my yard in NJ and loved seeing them pop up each year.

  16. Those are some pretty crocus! Hope springs gets to work up there soon.

  17. I wasn't home to see my crocus and reticulata iris bloom but I always feel so hopeful when i see them, marking the beginning of the end of winter! Great shots!
