Friday, March 22, 2013

Week 12~ Observe the Curve

Focus on Life week 12 

Thought I'd take you back to Costa Rica for this weeks prompt!
These pictures were taken in Guaitil , where the entire town is dedicated to making pottery from local clays in a pre Columbian style!  Picture # 1 is pounding the clay  .... remember the air temperature is  34 C ... 94 F not my idea of a fun job!
Throwing the pot... the wheel was being turned by hand and was made out of old bicycle parts (wonder where the pre Colombians got their bicycles!)  I love the curves you get making pottery on a wheel... however I was somewhat hopeless when it came to building pots on a wheel the one class I took! Which is why I became a fibre artist... Wool doesn't fight back!  Glass however does!
Think this is a decorated version of what he was building... 

Thought I'd throw in a piece of my work this week too... this was a prototype I did for a residential commision... I don't think that some of the curves flow at all well in this panel... but it was the curviest thing I could find in the house!  And the rondels were all made by me on my minor torch

To see how other people observe the curve check Sally's blog!


  1. Love those pottery photos! And what a nice glass panel.

  2. The close up of the man throwing a pot is great,

  3. I love the stain glass piece, the colors are beautiful and the wheel throwing is great! I can't believe that the wheel is made from bicycle parts!

  4. the pottery pictures are great, and I do like the glass art, the curves are wonderful!

  5. How beautiful! I love the stain glass! and the pottery is wonderful - I love this type of rustic pottery!! Great curves :)

  6. Ah, two of my loves: pottery and stained glass! It must be interesting to watch people using old techniques - I wish I would have the opportunity to do it.
    Your stained glass is gorgeous!

  7. Your stained glass is beautiful and I too cannot throw pottery. Great interpetation of curves.

  8. Wow - Costa Rica - I feel like I am on vacation. I wouldn't even attempt pottery but sure do love it. Your stained glass is marvelous!

  9. I love the pottery photos. I am so impressed that a lump of clay can become so beautiful .. and it's all about the curves. :)

  10. Yes please take me to Costa Rica. Those are fabulous shots, I would love to see those hands at work, knowing that pressure to get just the right curve. I love that you shared your stain glass piece too. I've never tried to cut a curve in glass but I imagine that as no simple feat either.

  11. Oh, I think some of the best curves are in pottery. I love the curves in your stained glass piece.

  12. Like Gilligan's Island - using the bicycle!

    Your piece is stunning

  13. Very interesting to see how a pot is made far away and with bike parts! Your glass work is gorgeous...colorful with wonderful curves :-)

  14. Fabulous curve in the pottery wheel, and stained glass art. Thank you for sharing your journey!

  15. Wow! Love this. I'll have to show my son the bike part wheel - very cool indeed.

  16. Lynne your stained glass is awesome. Seeing the pots being made is interesting too.

  17. Oh, how cool!! We're thinking of visiting CR as a family in Feb 2014 as our Christmas gift to one another. Must talk with you about how you liked it!!

  18. I've always admired potters. They create magically to me!

    Your stained glass piece is definitely curves and lines - very pretty.

  19. Costa Rica looks wonderful as do their pots. Your stained glass - so beautiful!!!

  20. While I have always appreciated the art of handmade "anything", those pots really speak to me! So beautiful! My dream house in "my next life" will have a huge stained glass window in the front...I do love it so! Your piece is stunning!

  21. This was a very informative post thank you for sharing. I have never tried pottery done on a wheel although I do admire those that can make the beautiful pots and vases that come from the wheel.
    I love your stained glass pannel it is beautiful another form of artwork I admire and want to learn.

  22. I just love pottery and it has some definite curves. And after looking at your stained glass all I can say is that it looks as though you won the fight with the glass. Very nice.

  23. Absolutely lovely pottery! I too love the curves of wheel thrown pottery. And your stained glass work is beautiful too!

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