Friday, March 15, 2013

Week 11 Possibilities are Endless

Focus on Life week 11

One of my first post when I started this blog was about a charity in NC called Endless Possibilities... they turn 'rags' into rag rugs...and other things.... Check my 2008 posting for info on the charity!

I got this 'rug' the second time I was there... & no it wasn't $25!

 My husband thinks this is a really good use for ties!  He refuses to wear them and when he was forced to wear them at work they were always tied so poorly that they looked awful... but he was adhering to company policy!
Love the colours in this one!  If you're ever in Manteo NC make sure you check this store out.

For other peoples interpretations of this weeks prompt head over to sally's blog


  1. Lynne, what a great use for the ties! The rug is beautiful! My husband would love this idea, since he too can't stand to wear one! LOL!

  2. I would not have guessed ties without your closeup. Great recycle story!

  3. Now that is a possibility none of those ties would have imagined in their lifetime! I WANT that!!

  4. How cool is that! And a great use for ties since they are not the requirement they once were in corporate America. What better way to protest ties than to make them into something people step on! :-)

  5. What a cool way to 'tie' together all the 'endless possibilities' of 'stepping' up to this challenge - awesome!! Great post!

  6. That is an awesome rug. I would never have thought that ties had such possibilities.

  7. That is such an excellent idea! My mom used to make rugs (crochet them) from pantyhose - extremely durable and cute to make.

  8. Oh how beautiful, love the greys! I totally agree it's a wonderful use for many ties. My hubby gets to wear one everyday but he seems to enjoy it

  9. This is such a cool idea! Im pretty sure my husband will be super duper upset at me if I do that to his collection of ties. haha. - Michelle #8 this week.

  10. Love the idea of using ties. I think I could easily donate a few to the cause. I love rag rugs...they are so durable and a great way to recycle!

  11. this is my kind of recycling!! i just love the creativity - and skill - involved :)

  12. What an awesome use of ties...or swatches of extra material...or rags! Great idea!

  13. Hi Lynne,
    Love the rug made from ties, what a great use for them. This post takes me back to when my Greatgrandma used to braid rugs from scrap matereial and old clothes.

  14. I don't know of a man alive that likes to wear ties!!! And to make a rug, well that really got my creative juices going, between my dad and husband I could probably carpet our whole living room....or a I remember my grandmother made a quilt out of old cool! Great post!

  15. What a wonderful use for old ties! Is it slippery on the floor?

  16. Those are beautiful! A silk rug - now that's luxury unexpected!

  17. Very cool rugs! The shop sounds like one I would enjoy visiting.

  18. Oh, I absolutely love this! I'll be in NC around Mother's Day...I'll have to check that out if we have time.

  19. ETA: I went to have a look at their FB page...beautiful stuff! We are headed to Raleigh, not the coast, but we may have to take a trip one day.

  20. That is a fabulous use of ties, as well as other fabric left overs! What a wonderful name for a charity too. Great post Lynne!

  21. I really love rag rugs whether they are made of scraps, t-shirts, ties (very cool idea:) Great colors!! :)

  22. what a great idea! My husband has a closet full of ties he never wears .. hmmm I wonder if he'd notice if they went missing - ha!

  23. I just love how you focused on re-using items. It just goes to show that the possibilities for any item really are limitless.

  24. Lynne that's a great use for ties. You are sure right that fabric has endless possibilities. I have a collection of ties that I opened up and plan to someday make a quilt out of.
