Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Almost wordless Wednesday

Have been trying to find tiny clay vases for my enamelled poppies, finally gave up and decided to try them in glass instead.  The poppies are about 3.5 inches tall.   I actually think the vase would be better a bit shorter... But by the time I decided that I had way too much white glass wound on the mandrel!


  1. Very sweet....What about all those old bottles that are always found around. The teeny tiny ones?

  2. I've seen those in antique stores ... in recent years, they no longer come free in boxes of tea! and the usually seem to be chipped!

  3. Lynne, I love your new poppies, don't have any suggestions about bottles though except what about pill bottles, we still get them sometimes over here!

  4. Everything in NA is plastic...I think I have a boots the chemist bottle somewhere in this house... but it's not something we get here!
