Wednesday, June 27, 2012

ALmost Wordless Wednesday & Bead Table Wednesday

Spent Sunday playing around with copper anticlastic bracelets... guess I should put some on etsy but they don'tseem to stick around long enough

My new perennials... Don't figure that I can kill these!....


  1. They are really striking pieces. No, I don't think you could kill your new flowers....heh

  2. HaHa.. at first glance I thought I was looking at flower bed MARKERS... duuhh! Sounds like you have a thumb about as green as mine (HINT: only my husband is allowed in the garden until harvest time. Yep, that's right, my responsibility is limited to eating the veggies.) Lynne, is that your shop sign visible in the top right of the photo? Just in case I actually leave the county this summer, I'll know what to look for!

  3. Yep that's the shop sign! The flowers are about 3 feet tall and 16 inch diameter... My biggest problem is the deer.. they eat everything... & they keeo finding new tasty treats!

    I'm 2.81 km from the ferry landing on the water side. (free ferry!)
