Saturday, April 21, 2012

Jewelry Artisans Network... Blog carnival.... Nature

Well in the spring I like to think of Nature as being flowers, not big fluffy wet white flakes of evil snow falling out of the sky... which is what I see when I look out the window this Easter Sunday!

So since I can't take pictures of real flowers....  here's my attempt to bring spring indoors onto my body!  These are enameled copper flowers.. the yellow ones are earrings (they look lovely thank you)  the purple poppy (I've never managed to get blue poppies to bloom) is waiting to figure out what it wants to become! A necklace I'm thinking....

I used to love Spring when I lived in Western Canada... it really was a season there.... here from sometime in November until June we get snow, rain, fog....then we get (if we're lucky 2 months of summer followed by two months of fall)  I'm not sure what to call the remaining 8 months... Nature's Revenge....

A link to other participating blogs will be added
jewelry Art By Dawn
Bead Sophisticate


  1. Love cheerful yellow flowers, I can't get blue poppies to bloom either in fact they seem to witter and die here, we haven't had snow down our way but the winds are very cold and I lost all my tree Magnolia blossoms haveing waited all year for them so sad!

  2. My magnolia had tons of buds when I left 10 days ago... we have fish net around it and my Azaleas to keep the Deer From eating them this year... hope the weather didn't take out my magnolia now that we deer proofed them! ?

  3. Spring? Spring? Rumors of it appearing tomorrow were in the weather report last night. I will believe it when I see it.

  4. About spring here keeps coming and going. Yesterday was chilly, chilly and wet. But today it's gorgeous.

    I am working with the poppies you sent - havent forgotten them. I keep changing my mind about what I want to make with them and have been doing a lot of sketching. My goal is to finish the piece by the time the poppies are blooming in our yard.

  5. What pretty flowers you made. The yellow ones are really cheery! This year I've noticed spring more than normal, like I'm beginning to take an active interest. If we survive the end of the world this year (end of the Mayan Calendar, December 21st), I think I'll take up some gardening next spring! :)

  6. The yellow earrings are cute and I'd love to see the poppy as a centerpiece on a necklace.

  7. Just found your page from a post on Pinterest! Your enameled headpins look like wonderful fun to use!
