Sunday, March 11, 2012

It's done!

 It took long enough... but the lighting isn't great in the dinning room  and.... there were frequent obstructions....
 Someone thought that it made a really good bed and had no intention  of moving... He actually took it apart while we were in Toronto...   I was always finding pieces on the floor... I'm amazed that they were all still there!  Actually Emm is not allowed on the table and he knows it...  but you can tell by the look on his face just how worried he is!


  1. It must have been quite the challenge! In more ways than one ;)

  2. Yea he really didn't want any help ... he liked it with loose pieces much more fun to play with!

  3. I, too, am challenged by a furry young gentleman who believes any horizontal surface I am working on is to be shared! He LOVES loose beads, but lately his favorite playthings are strips of quilting fabric.

    I am enjoying your blog. Greetings from Bathurst, the opposite corner of NB! Monique
