Saturday, November 12, 2011

Workshop Beads Cocoa FL with Claudia Trimbur-Pagel

Claudia showing off her eye murini  morning Day 3

 Beads Day 1
 Pirate Bead & Friend Day 2 (Spent the morning making the eye Murini in this bead!)
 Beads Day 3 this were suppose to be set into the silver clay jewellery that we made on Day 4... I'm using the brown and ivory bead top left in my ring but will not be using either butterfly in my pendant!

Backs of the window beads that I made after I got home...
Fronts of the window beads.....
Token tree bead to see if I can still make them!


  1. I am loving those oranges and reds.....

  2. Wow !! Such fun and terrific colors! love that fish bead in the top set!!! YES you can STILL MAKE Trees!!!!

  3. Beautiful all. Thank HEAVENS you can still do trees...I love them so. :)
