Thursday, October 20, 2011

More pictures from Spain

My husband says this one should be called lost again... which is quite unfair as the only time we weren't where we were suppose to be was the time I asked him which direction a street ran in Barcelona! Somewhere in Gaudi Park...

Same as above! Somewhere in Gaudi Park...

Fountain in the park near the Palace in Barcelona
Mahon, Menorca after the storm......

Somewhere in Mallorca .... I persuaded Gord to rent a motorbike one of the days we were there... He had one when he was 20.. so I figured he should still be able to ride one 40 years later!  Actually some of the roads we were on were so narrow I'm glad we weren't in a rental car... I'm sure they were only 1.25 cars wide! Gord calls this one Space Alien!

All the photos were taken by Gord...  we were away for 27 days ... two days longer than originally booked as we were worried that Air Canada was going to go on strike so we left 2 days early.


  1. How wonderful you had such a lovely trip

  2. You look awesome!!! so pretty and hey I know it was your hubby who got you lost. LOL
