Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Canada!

Today is Canada Day... Canada's 144th Birthday!
So far it's a much nicer day than was forecast, but the clouds are starting to roll in!


And I've decided that today is also EMM's Birthday... He's 6 today  He's waiting for the can of Sheba that my husband promised him!


  1. Hip Hip Hooray! Happy Canada Day!

    We are suffering a severe drought and under a burn ban, so there will be no fireworks for our 4th of July celebrations here.

  2. I heard Our fireworks last night, but couldn't be bothered to drive to the other end of the Island by myself... we may drive down on Monday and watch the US ones. I'd love to give you some of our rain.. we never seem to get more than 2 sunny days in a row!
