Friday, April 29, 2011

Starving Jewelry Artist Carnival Blog.... " Colour in my work!"

I love colour... lots of colour.... the brighter the better...  I am incompatible with white... I put on a pair of white pants and either spill my coffee or a cat with muddy feet climbs my leg....  Not to mention that snow is white... and I am really beginning to hate snow!

However that said when I'm doing large panels I use a lot of textured clear glass and only one or two colours... , typical window..... BUT  when it comes to beads...  I love colour....

This is actually 3 bracelets....   You've seen pictures of my glass!

Check out the Starving Jewelry Artists Blog here

Other participants in this months blog carnival.....

More to come....... !


  1. You know where I stand on this subject!

  2. OH, I thought that was a necklace! Can you imagine what a knock-out necklace that would be?????

  3. Beautiful glass pieces, I love your work and the colour range you use, its always bright and uplifting.

  4. I have made a necklace using those beads.. It was gorgeous!

  5. I always think of rainbows when looking at your jewelry. Your studio must be a joy to work in with all those colors reflecting the light.

  6. It's obvious your love of bright happy color. Wonderful work!

  7. To me glass jewelry always means color - beautiful example you've got there!

  8. Beautiful window. Your bracelets are very cheerful and springlike.

  9. WOWZERS, I love those bracelets. They make me love colour as much as you do. Your enameled beads are very nice too. I wish I had a quarter of your talent.
