Friday, February 25, 2011

Starving Jewelry Artist Carnival Blog.... "Tell us the story behind your business name"

I've been a full time artist since 1988... so, I've gone through a few names... the first name that got registered was "Black Hole Glass"...  Not sure what year that was first registered, but it lasted until I left Saskatchewan in 2001... why Black Hole... actually my husband came up with that name, he claimed that my studio was a big black hole in the community that sucked in all his tools...  there was a lot of glass sucked in too... but you've already seen pictures of that!

In 2000 I decided that making glass wasn't enough I wanted to sell it too!  So I bought an old building on the beach at a local inland salt water lake (where we already had a cabin) Once we got rid of the pink and green ice cream parlor paint... I opened a seasonal gallery which was suppose to be called the Beach Hut Gallery... however any time the business showed up in print or reviews it somehow got changed to Beach Nut...

Spending summers at the beach was a wonderful way to spend  5 summers ... but 18 months after I opened the store we moved 2500 miles East... I actually commuted back to the Beach for 3 years... I would go west in June and my husband would drive out and pick me up in September....  But in 2004 I sold the building ... (it's now a cute little cafe called  The Village Perk and moved my stock home to New Brunswick and combined the glass studio and the gallery into one business called Fireball Gallery And Studio... I think my beads look like little fireballs... so the name was a no brainer!

Why am I Islandgirl on Etsy.... who knows.. I was a buyer who started to sell.... but I DO live on an island (10 miles long and 3 miles wide... 20 minute ferry ride ... no bridge!)

Check out the Starving Artists Blog  to see what other members are doing and learn interesting facts about  Jewellery and Gemstones!  and here's the links to other members participating this month!

Family Jewels
Bead Sophisticate
Northern Girl Jewelry


  1. Cool post! I love that picture of your shop, you beach nut!

  2. Great post, very interesting, love your ex-beach hut.

  3. Thank you so much for the giggle this morning....I really needed it today! I love the story about how you've changed over the years. I do agree, your beads look like fireballs!!! You do wonderful work and I'm totally in awe of glass all are just too awesome!

  4. Fabulous post - I love your beach hut and enjoyed reading and learning more about you.

  5. It must have been very difficult to give up the Beach Hut, nutty or not. What a great way to spend the Summer. I love your glass fireball picture.

  6. Black hold! LOL My husband thinks my "endeavor" is a money pit. Well, I can't really blame him but hey it keeps me out of trouble!

    Great story. I love that little shop you had, I bet it was difficult letting it go even though you were so far away. The merging of the names and businesses into one the way to go for sure, it's perfect. :)

  7. And here I pictured you living on a beautiful, warm beach in the Caribbean! But hey, and island is an island, right?
