Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bead table should be wednesday.. I made it Monday... and I'm doing it on Tuesday....

Look what I found on my bead table this week.... Actually my bead 'table' is a wooden tray.. with a custom polar fleece and foam insert... and yes it was abandoned on her blankie so what should I expect. This picture was actually taken last week... as soon as the sun comes up (April... May?) I'll add a picture of what I made with that strand of tiny pearls (which took 4 weeks to come from China... but they came!)

Pearl beaded beads are just over .5 of an inch.


  1. I think she's look very pretty with crystals sewn into her fur!

  2. So cute! I love my huge kitty who keeps me company all day! The little tiny gray one keeps me company at night!
