Saturday, October 30, 2010

ABS carnival bloggers ... Celebration


1. The formal performance of a solemn rite, such as Christian sacrament
2. The observance of a holiday or feast day, as by solemnities
3. The act, process of showing appreciation, gratitude and/or remembrance, notably as a social event.
4. A social gathering for entertainment and fun; a party.

I just noticed when I was posting my remembrance link that the November carnival blog is BOTH groups.. well Wikepedia doesn’t define Celebration… those are the definitions from Wiktionary… but what does all that mean to me and my life as a glass artist in New Brunswick.

My husband celebrates the day that Money Pit his sail boat goes in the water,

but for me that is almost the same time that I open my gallery for the summer... I'm more likely to celebrate closing for the season, this year I was open 98 days straight... That's a long time to smile and be nice on a daily basis!

Money Pit is now back on land but not before non-Tropical Storm 'no na-mee' hit on Friday the 15... and broke the mooring line. The boat literally ended up - 'up the creek' which was better than 'out to sea'! She got scratched and no longer has a mooring ball but is still floating!

We all celebrate different things in different ways..., but, I guess from a bead point of view I celebrate every time I open the kiln and find a bead that I like!

And finally... yesterday the last piece of pink vinyl siding was removed from this house.... Now that's something to celebrate!


  1. that is a truly exquisite bead!

  2. Oh My that bead is worth celebrating. It's exquisite

  3. Just noticed that I have the bead at both the top and bottom... That really was an accident... I move pictures around using html and I guess I copied it rather than move it....

  4. So much truth in what you said. We all have our small thinks to celebrate. It's a wonderful bead, it deserves to be there twice.

  5. It is a lovely bead!

    I agree that we all have our spots to celebrate at. And I love the name of hubby's boat, so perfect.

  6. Very fun post. Your art glass bead is beautiful.

  7. love the bead and the rainbow pic!

  8. We can always find something to Celebrate. Thanks for the great rainbow picture!!

  9. Love the bead and that each day of creating is a celebration for you!

  10. So wonderful to hear what you are celebrating! Enjoy the day!

  11. Stunning Bead Lynne! Glad the boat wasn't too badly damaged!
