Friday, July 9, 2010

My Stupid Tomato!

I'm not quite sure why tomatoes are suppose to be happier growing down... but someone obviously forgot to tell this tomato that, since as you can see... it grew to the edge of the pot and has now turned and is growing up the side of the planter..... wonder if it will have the strength to remain upright if and when it gets tomatoes! I have three more plants just like it planted... in the garden... we'll see which method works better! (at least the deer can't reach the one in the 'hanger'!)

PS the planter was a gift!


  1. I will be curious to learn also. I have these things work well.

  2. Hey that is too funny. I have been wanting one of those hanging tomato plants.

  3. I've actually always wanted one of these things but the early version were really expensive and large.... My BIl order 2 on line and got 20... I'm not sure how many he actually paid for... but everybody got them as gifts!

    His mother in Vancouver had one last summer that did really well...

    TIme will tell... I will post progress photos!
