Monday, July 5, 2010

Finally lit my torch today! ... in search of the elusive matching glasss beads!

Well I'm back in the studio... my birds are done... and shipped so now it's time to melt in bead shop... (Yes it's hot here...) I need to making earrings... that means two beads the same... Even with Gord saying there is a head in between the earrings when they are being worn... they are together when they are being sold so... they have to be pretty close to matching!

Just one of the many earring-less sets that are patiently waiting.....


  1. Men just don't get it, do they.

    You guys are having a heat wave, aren't you. We woke up to 42* this morning.

  2. I guess that would be Fahrenheit not celcius?

    Actually our temps are very nice... the breeze off of the North Atlantic is keeping things very pleasant!

    Are you flooding?
