Sunday, April 25, 2010


The theme for the Carnival Bloggers this month is Growth...

Well that's obvious to anyone that lives North of the 45th Parallell ...NEW GROWTH! Little green plants, crocuses, daffodils, everything that signifies longer days and warm weather...


But this blog is suppose to be about art beads..., not crocuses and daffodils! So were does Growth come into MY Art Beads... well I started in '94 on a hot head.. and made very wonky not terribly round beads for quite awhile... once I moved onto a Nortel Minor they got more round but they were still on the small side.... I actually made round beads almost exclusively until I met a Lentil Press in 2003?.. I think that's about when I bought it... but it still made small little beads... Flat round small beads instead of donut shaped round beads...

My first big bead that wasn't a workshop bead was Thanks to my cat Duddley.... He used to hang around the bead studio while I was working and I guess he got tired of the boring little round beads that I was making every day... One day he jumped on my lap took his head and pushed my left hand so that I smeared glass from one end of the bead release to the other... and being of a frugal Scotch/Irish heritage I had no choice but to make a bead that size.... Here's Orange Blossom Special.... (yep I still managed to get my floral theme in there!)

I've never looked back!


  1. Love the style of that bead Lynne!

  2. That's why cats are essential to life.

  3. And all you needed was a nudge. :)

  4. Funny! That is not what I expected at all. I love that floral bead. Such a great design and a 'happy accident'!
    Enjoy the day! Erin

  5. OH Dudley is the cutest!!! I like your beads too :)

  6. Sometimes it takes a little unexpected push to bring about a growth spurt that is sure to get us going in the right direction!
