Monday, February 15, 2010

Thanks to we have a winner or two

The link to !

The two numbers generated were

# 107 and # 73

Tumbleweed Trails

Wow, your beadwork is splendid. So much detail in every bead. Your giveaway is fabulous! I would love a chance to win. Please add my name to your drawing!
February 1, 2010 8:54 AM

& Beth M From Meandering Threads said...

Beautiful beads! Please enter me in your drawing.
January 29, 2010 4:35 PM

I don't have an email for either one so I posted on their blogs first one to get back to me gets first choice... I'll give them until Feb 20 to get back to me....


  1. Congratulations to your winners. I just found out that my winner also won on another blog. How lucky is that???


  2. When I left my comment on one of the blogs the comment above was that she had won on that blog too!

  3. I agree - your beads are fantastic!

  4. This is such great news. Thank you so much for your generosity. I am thrilled to be one of the lucky two recipients of one of your beads. I emailed you this morning about 20 minutes after you notified me that I had won. Your bead work is amazing.

    visionquest2020 (at) msn (dot)com
