Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Almost Wordless Wednesday

OK .... I know by February I should be in production mode for the gallery... but due to a bunch of us who can not type think and spell all at the same time... the challenge was out to make Fla'migos... Not sure what instruments the rest of the Tres Fla'migos will be carrying ...

All suggestions welcome ( I Know I can't do a Guitar!)

The hat on this one is a bit dark and my DH says it looks like it's swallowing a bunch of walnuts


  1. Ohh, heh heh I thought it was holding a maraca.

  2. Of course it is what else would a fla'migo be holding?

  3. that's so cute! love the hat! Yes, it looks like a musician!

  4. Too cute! Swallowing walnuts...hahaha!

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I love your work...I'll be back to visit again.


  5. Your husband cracks me up! I love the flamingo! Those walnuts have a long way to go down.
