Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Almost wordless wednesday

This piece was done for the Art Bead Scene January Challenge... The painting that inspired it was Claude Monet's
La Pie (Magpie). (Since there isn't another Monday in January a probably missed the boat... re the challenge!

Growing up in Alberta Magpie's were everywhere.... they haven't made it to Eastern Canada yet... even thought they are loud somewhat obnoxious birds.. they really are pretty!


  1. It is a lovely necklace,
    I agree magpies can be noisy especially when they decide to feed their young outside your bedroom window at 6am every day, a very attractive member of the crow family none the less!

  2. I love magpies. We didn't have them in NJ only their cousins, the blue jay

  3. Hi Lynne Thank you for your comment on my blog : ) I don't have an etsy store, yet. Wasn't sure if any one would be interested in buying my art.
    Thank you for telling me about OHOW, I am definitely going to join.
    Nice to meet you

  4. great looking bead! And do you clasp it in the front? That's always helpful! {:-D
