Sunday, January 31, 2010

Click here for the owoh.... posting!

My OWOH Giveaway!

Please leave comments on the Jan 25 posting... the above link will take you there! Just looked there are 859 participants in this year OWOH so far... I am 269 if you want to scroll through the names on the Whimsical Bohemian's site!

Don't forget the last day to enter is Monday Feb 15... I'll make my cutoff 6pm Atlantic time!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Almost wordless wednesday

This piece was done for the Art Bead Scene January Challenge... The painting that inspired it was Claude Monet's
La Pie (Magpie). (Since there isn't another Monday in January a probably missed the boat... re the challenge!

Growing up in Alberta Magpie's were everywhere.... they haven't made it to Eastern Canada yet... even thought they are loud somewhat obnoxious birds.. they really are pretty!

Monday, January 25, 2010

One world One Heart is Here!


"This event was started in 2007. The original idea behind this giveaway event was to bring bloggers together from around the world who may never ordinarily meet. It closes the gap of the blog community and enables us to interact, discover new and wonderful people, and in the process possibly win a prize or many prizes along the way. 2007 had roughly 85-90 participants and many connections were made because of it......friendships that are still going strong.
We had a strong showing the first year for sure, and then in 2008 we had just about tripled that number. In 2009 there were 911 participants, to say I was amazed is an understatement. 28 countries were represented in the 2009 event as well."

I participated last year as well ... this year I have two beads to give away (Sorry about the awful pictures it's overcast and grey here today.... nothing like waiting until the last minute to take the pictures!)

Friday, January 22, 2010

New style tree beads

I just love the way these two beads turned out! The enamel is under the encasing... The ridges are caused bu spiraling transparent glass over the enamel and melting the spiral in before the bead was encased!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Almost Wordless Wednesday

This piece is called Red Hot... if you really think you can't live without it I listed it on ETSY!

Monday, January 18, 2010

More about Bead Soup

This is what I sent my partner in 'Bead Soup Blog Party' Today was the mailing deadline... My Beads are going to England and I'm getting my stash from England... Deadline to have things made is Feb 10 (which is also my father's birthday and my/our anniversary) The question is will the international postal systems even deliver our beads by then!

Here's Joanne's blog (my partner!) While your checking out her blog scroll back to January 10 and look at the lego ball winder for wool!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Starving artists Group

Or on Etsy Sateam , if you want to support a group of talented Starving Artists that's what you need to type into your search on Etsy! I found this on their blog a few minutes ago.... The Link if you want to read all of Sateam Sez....

My neighbour really did say this... I'm not sure what she thinks is an appropriate Christmas present, obviously not something that belongs on or under a workbench!

"Fireball Beeds sez: For Christmas I got a piece of paper saying that I could pick myself out a tool box on wheels... I told one of my neighbors that that was what I got and she said I hoped you smacked him for that... I said no I want that... she looked at me like I'd lost what few brains she gives me credit for having.... Oh well... I have a really good selection of tools just nowhere to put them!

New jellyfish bead from me!
SATeam sez: That's a GORGEOUS bead! Your jellyfish looks so real, as if it's really in the ocean.
Obviously not a tool box on wheels!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wordless Wednesday...

Meet Roughcut (scruffy long haired one in the middle), Ginger (back), & Marmalade (front)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Remember 1 World One Heart

January 25 is the starting day to sign up for this year.. that gives you about 3 weeks to figure out what you want to give away... I didn't win anything last year, sigh....


THis is the 4th year so why don't you jump on the band wagon and participate too. Here's the link to the organizers blog 'A Whimsical Bohemain'

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Big Reveal!

Remember my Strips of glass from a
Sapphire Gin Bottle ...

Then there was the beads....

And now we have the finished necklace & earrings.. They were a Christmas present for my sister, the chain is made from sterling rings,mobius knots and two coil Celtic Knots..

I'm looking for interesting coloured bottles to add to my bottle bead repertoire! If you have any suggestionson pretty coloured bottles leave them in the comment section!