Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wishing Everyone a Happy & safe New Years!

My son thinks poor Emmit looks like an Evil Elf ... His hat is actually a felted Christmas bell....

Got home late yesterday afternoon from Alberta... We got out to the airport 3 hours early for our flight home because of all the neew security ruckus... Totally unnecessary as we were through check-in and security in 45 minutes... The inside of my waistband on my jeans was fondled due to to many decorative metal studs etc... We actually had intended to eat at the Edmonton Airport so did have plenty of time for that! Boarding time came and went with no sign of a plane to board..... Finally 40 minutes late we were underway... not impressed as that cut a big chunk out of our 58 minute connection time... 20 minutes into the flight we were informed that the toilets didn't work and we would have to divert to Winnipeg if they couldn't get them fixed.... Finally the got 30 % suction... I have never seen so few people use a toilet in a 4 hour flight in my life.. Obviously NO-ONE wanted to get stuck in Winnipeg ! Yes we made our flight in Toronto left there 15 minutes late but I think that was because the actually found and loaded our luggage! On to Halifax.... (We did not originally book the milk run!) Plane was late getting in there too... probably due to the wind! The plane from Halifax to Saint John is and 18 seater ... Was hard keeping the book in focus with all the bouncing we were doing.... Got to Saint John at 12:15am, since our last ferry is at 10:30 we spent the night in Saint John and came home yesterday via the grocery store... Now as G pointed out if I had been alone I would have got stuck somewhere! At least 30% of the time I fly by myself... I get stuck somewhere coming home!

The cats were so happy to see us! Zoomies spent all last night running accross the bed to make sure we were both there!

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