Sunday, October 25, 2009

These are living under my 'bead shop'

When we got home 2 weeks ago we discovered that a mother cat and 3 kittens had moved in! (All 3 kittens are actually in this picture!) The mother is a tiny orange a white cat and she has 3 orange & white kittens ... the mother is fairly friendly.. comes running every morning when I take out food for them... I managed to pick up one of the kittens this morning, it threw back it's paws and screamed ... guess I should have stuck to ear scratching for another week or two! I have a shredded hand for my efforts too!


  1. They look like Sherpa!!!!!
    How cute...
    Sorry about your hand

  2. cute. They're going to need some blankets or something in another week or two! {:-D

  3. There is actually an insulated cat house out there... It came with this house!
