Monday, July 20, 2009

Escape to the Islands

Oops I live on an island so how can I escape to one... G spent the weekend sailing in the Roosevelt Cup... The prizes are awarded on Campobello Island on the former Roosevelt estate... I took the ferry over as a walk on and then came back in 'Money Pit' G's boat.. Here is a somewhat interesting but unfortunately very 'blurred' image of 'Money Pit' from the dinghy as I was being rowed to shore to collect my car... I'd like to blame the 'blur' on the time of day but I think someone accidentally pushed the macro lens button.... and in case your interested he came second the first day sailing in the fog... and third the second day ... and third overall.... the 'boat' that one the first day won overall and the person that won the second day got lost in the fog the first day and never finished.....

1 comment:

  1. What blurry picture. Heh heh.

    Tell him congratulations from us and the goats. Especially the goats. Everyone needs congratulations from goats!
