Tuesday, July 28, 2009

ALmost wordless wednesday comes a day early!

This is one of my old lilies... if you want to see this years lilies check my website ! (once your there click on daily rant... for some reason it wanted let me post the direct link... actually it posts it, it just doesn't use it!)

Don't forget to check out my BOGOF sale on Etsy!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Beads, glass... what else is new....

I am now picking the bead of the week for the Fire Divas This weeks is a LARGE glass cupcake from HollysFollyglass ...

But since I am also a member of some other street teams lets go see what else I can find! Searching for Sateam on Etsy ( don't forget their sale!) I found these earring in JewlieBeads
shop..... this will be a weekly (ha ha) blog post!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Fab Friday Finds

Today I am featuring the SSSH which stands for Sizzling Summer Sale (is here) or SSSH don't tell anyone that the Starving Artists team on Etsy is having a big summer sale ... The sale is suppose to run from the 29th of July to August 2nd... My sale is going to run from the afternoon of August 28th until I get my store revamped the evening of August 3rd... Monday August 3rd is a holiday in Canada.

What is my deal... you will be getting a two for one.... Buy one 'bead' & get one of equivalent or lesser value free... Yep I'm giving away FREE beads... I have too many beads & I need to clear off my dining room table so that we can eat on it!This bead "A taste of Sunshine" has had over 600 views it's really looking for a new home... perhaps you can help it out!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Almost Wordless Wednesday

This is my entry in the Art Bead Scenes Monthly Challenge.... Jungle Jewels

Monday, July 20, 2009

Escape to the Islands

Oops I live on an island so how can I escape to one... G spent the weekend sailing in the Roosevelt Cup... The prizes are awarded on Campobello Island on the former Roosevelt estate... I took the ferry over as a walk on and then came back in 'Money Pit' G's boat.. Here is a somewhat interesting but unfortunately very 'blurred' image of 'Money Pit' from the dinghy as I was being rowed to shore to collect my car... I'd like to blame the 'blur' on the time of day but I think someone accidentally pushed the macro lens button.... and in case your interested he came second the first day sailing in the fog... and third the second day ... and third overall.... the 'boat' that one the first day won overall and the person that won the second day got lost in the fog the first day and never finished.....

Friday, July 17, 2009

Fab Friday Finds

I was checking out Jewlie Bead's etsy shop last week and saw this gorgeous bee pendant and I couldn't believe the price... then I realized that the price was for a tutorial to make the pendant... so You guessed it I bought the tutorial .... I have every gauge of copper wire from 14 to 28 except for 22 and 26 which are the two gauges used for most of the wire wrapping... I tried every hardware store in Maine that I drove past yesterday everyone has 18 gauge and 24 no-one has 22 gauge anything... I may just be forced to use sterling for the 22 gauge.... as I really want to try and make it! The 18 guage spine & antenae are done!

Jewlie is a member of the SATeam (Starving Artists Street Team)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Almost Wordless Wednesday

After the storm Monday evening.....

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Looky what I found as bead of the Day on the Fire Divas Thread

This is Pansy... she's hollow so is very proud of her weight a mere 10.2 grams... Here's the link to the Fire Divas blog... check it daily to see what's new.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Fab Friday Find...

Isn't today Friday??? We had 3 days of sun... I don't do computers when I can be outside! and since I don't have any pictures of gallery artists toda's find is Amy from Form Fire Glassworks she's an architect in her 'real' job... these are her beads.... Aren't they neat!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

My Favorite Bead

The CGGE TEAM on Etsy has a monthly theme that members are suppose to create a piece for... this month's theme is your favorite piece in your own Etsy store.... Well I went through my store and then I went through my personal bead stash... and this is what I came up with... this is currently my favorite bead... it is on etsy NOW, and I have to leave it there until the end of the month or it sells... at which point in time it may be returned to my bead stash.... All entries in the July Monthly Challenge

I think if I gathered up all my beads from where I have them hidden around the house you could bury me in beads! I have very creative hiding places...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wordless Wednesday (almost)

The ISGB Gathering is starting in Miami in a couple of days they wanted 'fun' pictures of their members for a slide show... this was Christmas day 2008... weather hasn't improved much since then... I'm still waiting for global warming!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 1 and July 4

My Canada Day Bead was Party time... Copper Dolphins swimming through the balloons and fireworks... (enamels) We couldn't see the fire works as it was too foggy... but you could hear them

Today's bead for Independence Day is Starz and Stripes Copper starz wrapped in Double Helix Triton Glass

Friday, July 3, 2009

Fab Friday Finds

Well... maybe this wasn't a fabulous find.. but it's what I found when I opened my kiln this morning... guess this is what you get for answering the phone and leaving the kiln set on Hi... I think it's very artistic!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wordless Wednesday (almost)

Happy Canada Day! (I have fireworks pictures that I took somewhere on this computer.... but I 'borrowed' this one from google images... thankyou to whoever took this picture!