Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Today is Easter Sunday... It rained here over night but now it is snowing... I have had enough snow already this winter thanks! I planted lettuce on Friday... winter is OVER...

The first "Street Team" that I joined at etsy was LEST which stood for Lampwork Etc... The team grew to fast and folded last month with a new much smaller team called FIRE DIVAS rising from the ashes. It was decided that we would donate beads to the Breast Cancer silent auction at the Bead and Button Show in Milwaukee ... To keep some continuity between the beads we went with an Alice in Wonderland theme...

I have an old copy of the book with the original Tenniel 'plates' I thought I would do the baby from the kitchen scene where Alice walks in on the Dutchess Well as you can see.. that bead is just scary! So since after Alice grabs the baby it turns into a pig I figured OK I'll do the pig instead... I think "Ms. Pig" is very cute... I made a ring for her to sit on so that she didn't have to balance on her nose... Not sure if the ring should be 'pig' colour or bonnet colour? Comments I have to ship the beads to the co-ordinator on Friday on my way to the airport so have time to do another one!


  1. Happy Easter hope the sun is shining for you.

  2. The baby bead is indeed a bit scary but I do like the piggy bead. I like the ring the color it is...with the pink flowers. Mmmm, flowers. Now I am hungry

  3. what a cute piggy! Do you have more requirements for your group now? Just wondering if it will grow again...
