Friday, January 30, 2009

More on the blowing my own horn theme!

Yes there is another interview ... You can learn even more about me by going to the Story Beaders blog .

Storybeader makes jewelry but you don't just get a piece of jewelry you also get a poem (haiku) writen specifically about the piece to accompany it! Deb also posts interviews of one 'blogger' every Friday. so scroll back through her Friday archives to learn more about other etsy artists who blog!

(And here's your useless piece of info for the day ....for those of you who don't know where the term blog comes from it's a contraction of the term "Web log".) Yep that's what we are all doing we are writing logs on the web for the world to read....

The Guardian of Balckbeard's treasure has been listed and Scurvy McSkull comes complete with a story too...
Will My beads continue to some with stories... doubt it!

1 comment:

  1. well, I just learned something new today. I guess that's a bit obvious, web log = blog!
