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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

One World One Heart Giveaway


I am joining the One world one Heart 'contest' (click the blue logo if you want more info) To win you must leave a comment on this post of my blog (with enough info that I can send you an email if you win! Anyone can enter but you must comment on this post...

The draw will be made on Feb 12 from everyone who has commented on this blog... I will send you an email telling you that you have won my Thousand Veils Heart.. It's about an inch high. At that time please send me your address and I will mail you the heart. (I am willing to ship it anywhere)

If you want to enter at other sites there is a list of participants on the One World One Heart blog as of right now there are 286... mine isn't there yet!

This is the description on the organizers blog....

The original idea behind this giveaway event was to bring bloggers together from around the world who may never ordinarily meet. It closes the gap of the blog community and enables us to interact, discover new and wonderful people, and in the process possibly win a prize or many prizes along the way...This is more than wanting to win something.......that is only the the end it's about finding kindred spirits. Someone who may be fairly new to blogging, not sure how to navigate, find others and have others find them....Some are long time bloggers and in some cases well known in the art community. Whatever the case it brings all of them together...We are not solving the worlds problems nor are we curing anything nor are we changing the world. We are merely generating a closer community between humans through blogging."


Puddles of Grace said...

Very pretty! Please add me to your drawing! Thanks, Charlene

Latharia said...

Now that is just downright gorgeous! How talented you are! Please do enter me in your drawing ... and come over to enter mine! If I am so fortunate as to have my name drawn, please contact me at latharia @ comcast . net! Thank you for your generosity!

Joanne Huffman said...

Your hearts are beautiful. Please enter my name in your drawing. I invite you to visit my blog to enter my drawing


Linda said...

I'm listed now, maybe email Lisa to let her know that your link has been mixed up, in the mean time I would love to enter in your draw.
Cheers Linda

jojoebi-designs said...

beautiful heart
Please put my name in the hat and then come and sign up for my give-away

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! I love your work. Please sign me up and stop by to enter mine if you have time.

Sandy McTier Designs said...

What a beautiful glass heart!
Please enter me in your drawing and come on over and check mine out as well if you haven't already.

Deborah said...

Oh so pretty. I checked out your Esty site ... you certainly have BIG talent.

Kate Tracton said...

Very pretty - I'd like to throw my name into the hat for this drawing.

Isn't this fun? Meeting all these new (to me) bloggers has been very exciting.

Please drop in and visit me as I have a giveaway as well.

Nice to meet you,


Janet said...

Such a pretty heart! Please add my name to your list! And if you haven't already, stop by and enter my giveaway, too. said...

Beautiful heart! Nice to meet you! If you haven't already, come by and visit me, I have a giveaway ~ Rachael ~

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Beautiful! The colors are amazing!

Please enter me and visit my giveaway!

Sara said...

really pretty! Can you please add me to your drawing? Thanks

Ruth Rae said...

lovely heart

Geri said...

Thanks for the Giveaway!!! Great blog!

Tina Leavy said...

oh how pretty. would love to be entered in the drawing thanks for the opportunity. stop by and visit me as well when you get a chance.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Fabulous! Thanks for the chance to win.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

thats really pretty
please add me to your drawing
This is my first year doing OWOH
so be sure
to check my give away at

carolyn h

Jana Nielson said...

That is very pretty. I would love to win it.


Great giveaway! Please enter me in your drawing

jjwiskus said...

Love the heart! But then I love glass. Please enter my name in your drawing. Also check out me
light my torch

GraceBeading said...

I smelled a bead and rushed right over. Love it!

Participant #19

Saskia said...

I was just hopping from one blog to another. And so I discovered OWOH!! Great, sharing creativity all over the world!! And so... I created my own blog this week...for all of you!!

You have a beautiful heart-giveaway!!

Somenone, somewhere.. will be very happy with it... I can only dream it's me :)!!

Greetings from Belgium,


Miri said...

It's so beautiful! Thank you so much for your generosity. Please count me in! Thanks, Miri

sandee said...

You steal my "heart"! Count me in, PLEASE!!!

And if you haven't done so already, please stop by my blog and check out my giveaway:


Sherry Goodloe said...

Would love to have a chance at your sweet heart giveaway prize!

Please stop by (if you haven't done so already) and visit my giveaway as well. I'm #73 GOT ART?

magpie said...

oh i miss my little hot head torch!
i did lamwork beads for about a year and finally had to stop since i was using my kitchen and it started to feel too toxic despite the open window and the two fans fore and aft...

workshops in new york are few, far between and way expensive...


please include me in the giveaway and visit my giveaway and blog at
(six chances to win!)

magpie (number 123 on 'the list')

Tisa said...

Very pretty! ~ :) Please count me in for the drawing! Thanks!

acmilan68 [at]

The Odd Bird said...

This is beautiful... please add me to the list.

carylsrealm said...

It's gorgeous! Please enter my name! And stop on by my blog for my give-a-way!

myownplace said...

The heart is really pretty. I need a love charm...

Janice said...

The heart is beautiful. Please enter me.

Evidence of an Artistic Life said...

Absolutely gorgeous! I would love to enter! Please stop by my blog and enter as well!
chris p

Michelle McGee said...

Very nice heeart!

Monique Kleinhans said...

What a beautiful heart!

Thanks for entering me in your drawing! And for being a part of One World One Heart!

Please come visit me at:

Re said...

Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner!!!

I'm having so much fun making friends and bloghopping again this year.

The Giveaway Diva said...

amazing!! I would love to be entered!!! thanks so much!

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

What a sweet heart of an idea!

Holly (hollysfolly)

Eileen said...

your heart is lovely...maybe we can win each other's cool would that be...i'm joining OWOH today...

brokenteepee said...

I think I would look quite pretty wearing that heart...don't you? It compliments my coloring very nicely. You make beautiful beads! I know this because my publicist has shown me them.

Smokeylady60 said...

Beautiful heart
Pleae add me to your list and if you would like please
join mine I am number 303

Anonymous said...

Lovely little heart!

Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs

Anonymous said...

I'd love the chance to win this. So pretty.

Laume said...

How could I resist a chance to win such a beautiful heart. Lovely!

Unknown said...

Very beautiful heart
Thanks for entering me!
unforgetable_dreamer_always AT hotmail DOT com

~*~Patty S said...

Hello ~ I would Love the chance to be the lucky winner of your gorgeous thousand veils heart.

Thank you!

You can find me at OWOH#122

Lisa Gatz said...

I would love to be entered for your giveaway. Wonderful work!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful heart! Please do count me in. :)

And please feel free, too, to stop by my blog to enter my own OWOH giveaway!

PattiV said...

What a wonderful giveaway. Please enter my name into your drawing and then stop by and enter mine.

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing.
please count me in. i love it.

AlwaysInspired said...

So gorgeous! Please enter me!

Vicki Priebe said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! Please enter me in your giveaway. Be sure to enter my giveaway (#357) as well. Thank you from Alaska.
~Vicki Priebe
Wish Grantor

Karen Klomparens, Glass Addict and Artisan said...

Such beautiful entries everywhere!
My first year participating in the OWOH event.
Thank you from the chilly Midwest!
Visit my blog too, Karen

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

SO pretty. Please enter me...m

Sue said...

Okay, feel free to pick me as your winner! :-)

free indeed said...

I've been across the bay of Fundy I may have seen you....:) please enter me and thanks for opening this to non bloggers as well. Lovely heart...I'm assuming it's a bead...I checked your etsy shop and saw some of your other creations. I think I'd like to make a scissor fob with it to remind me of you and this great giveaway from around the world.

trisha too said...


feel free to enable my little addiction . . .

thank you for the chance--
please stop by to see my OWOH offerings, too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the oppurtunity
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

Once Upon A Blue Crow said...

Fabulosa! So pretty! I was admiring your other work as well...that heart with Cupid is the Bomb! Please include me and stop by for a visit if you get a chance.


SpiritMama said...

Thanks for including me in your giveaway!

Waxela (wa-shay-la)

Jenn Milt Art said...

beautiful heart! please enter me! :)

Franny said...

I just love hearts! Very unique and your color combinations are fabulous!

I would jump for joy to win something the day after my 20th anniversary!

I have never been to this event before so after seeing so many wonders, I became a participant!

I am so amazed at the generosity. I am particularly moved by some of the comments that are so heartfelt.

This has really inspired me to be more creative and to blog more. I have enjoyed meeting you and getting in touch with your blog.

Come and visit me on Picklebeans or email me at:


How dreamy! Please add me. :o)

Diana S said...

very pretty piece. Please enter my name to be picked in your drawing. Stop by and enter mine when you have time, if you haven't yet.

Fran S said...

oh! Please include me. Drop by my drawing too!

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Lovely precious hearts! Please add my name to your drawing! Then come on over and enter my OWOH Giveaway too!

Sam said...

what an absolutely beautiful heart, I would love to own something so very beautiful.

Moniqui said...

It is a very pretty heart!Please enter me in your draw and if you havent already done so,do visit my blog too for a giveaway:))

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Thank you for participating in this years event! I hope you are enjoying all the meeting and mingling.
This heart is so lovely and perfect for the Valentine's season.
Nice to meet you!
Lisa Swifka
OWOH host/participant

if you haven't already do stop by giveaway as well.

Ann said...

Please add my name to your giveaway, and stop by to enter mine, too. ;)

cox_cchs AT hotmail DOT com

Susan Shaw said...

Very pretty. Please add me to your draw.

Lisa W. said...

Wonderful! Please enter my name. I am also participating in OWOH and would love for you to stop by. :-)

Vanessa said...

Oh what a lovely heart. I'm having so much fun blog hopping this is my first year doin this give away. Come and visit my blog.

Unknown said...

Nice giveaway!

Renee said...

this is a lovely gift. x oxo


stampgram said...

I am in love with this heart ...and would love to win your awesome giveaway.
Please enter me.

I am a OWOH participant too...#563. Please stop by and visit my blog at

Mary said...

Your heart reminds me of a yummy piece of hard candy. Please enter me in your drawing.

WendyP said...

your heart is awesome - thanks for sharing it with the world
smiles Wendy
hope you will drop by my blog too

Inge Bungart said...

Wow- beautyfull.Please enter my name in your drawing.


Jax said...

Gorgeous heart! Please count me in and if you haven't already, stop by my blog to enter my giveaway. I am #321.

Beadyjan said...

How beautiful and very appropriate for OWOH.

Please include me and don't miss my giveaway.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Love the 1000 veils heart and it is so appropriate for this event.

Please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway also.

hfsolutions at juno dot com

Quiltmoose - Dagmar said...

This heart is just gorgeous! I'd love to be the winner! Please include me in your drawing.
I am also participating in this wonderful event!
Please stop by if you haven't already.

Greetings from Germany,

Anonymous said...

Beautiful heart! Thank you so much for the chance!

Laura S. said...

How pretty! Your art glass is lovely.

Karen 's World said...

What a beautiful heart!

Sophie said...

Lovely heART! Would love a chance to win.
Sophie in Montreal

Geekery said...

Please enter me into the draw and don't forget to head on over to my OWOH giveaway to enter mine!

Liv said...

Sorry about the deleted went through with only the letter "T" in it!! LOL
What I wanted to say was...
That is a really pretty heart! I love the colours!
Please enter my name in the draw.
Thank you for sharing your talent!
All the best,

gloomy_liv AT yahoo DOT com DOT au

Pam @ The Blue Between said...

Please enter me in your drawing - your work is lovely!

KKJD1 said...

Such a wonderful heart! count me in too, please! Thanks Karen

An abstract life said...

i am looking for the opportunity to win your heart. it is lovely. thank you.

Amy said...

Very pretty, please add me to your giveaway.

Unknown said...

Very pretty! I hope you'll stop by my giveaway, too.

Pamela said...

This is beautiful. My MIL would love it...she's an amateur glass artist herself. Stop by my place to enter my drawing for home-canned pickles, relish and salsa.

Rusted Wings said...

Lovely!! Please count me in and come by and visit my my new blog #479, Rusted Wings!

Connie said...

fabulous heart! just beautiful! Please come enter my giveaway too!
connie williams

Anonymous said...

I'd love to enter your giveaway. I love glass hearts.

Sara said...

Hello from Nova Scotia! This is my first year involved with OWOH (#258...please drop by if you get a chance). It's great to "meet" so many talented people.
Your heart is beautiful! I love glass and would love to win. Please enter me in your draw.

nfmgirl said...

How nice! Please include me!

martha brown said...

Your heart is beautiful! Please enter me in your draw -- thank you so much!!! I'm off now to look around your blog some more!

Jenna Z said...

What a lovely piece! Love it!

Mimi said...

Wonderful heart!

Please enter me in your drawing. Don't forget to stop by & enter mine!

OWOH #640

cowgirltazz said...

Beautiful piece. Please enter me to win the heart in your drawing.

SuseADoodle said...

Enter me in your drawing -- PLEASE! :-)

Have a Great OWOH Blog-Hop!

"Suse Bee"

jet1960 said...

I would love to be entered in your giveaway. What a gorgeous heart! It would be such a special keepsake of this event. Thanks for a chance to win.

Kathy said...

What a beautiful heart! Thanks for the chance to enter.

Kathy #577 on the gypsy caravan

Erika Powell said...

very pretty, please enter me

cheryl said...

Wonderful giveaway! What a lovely heart! You have some fabulous pieces in your Etsy shop, too.

If you get a chance, stop by my humble OWOH:

~*~Pandora's Artbox~*~ said...

Pretty! Please count me in and if you haven't been there yet, visit my blog for my giveaway. Thanks!

Hege-Annie Simonsen said...

A great giveaway! Beautiful heart! thank you so much for the chance to win!! :)

I'm into cardmaking myself - join in my blog candy these days - if some Christmas stamps, papers and other cardmaking stuff should be of any interest for you! :) Hugs from Hege - in the northern part of Norway :)

Pike said...

So cute! Please enter me in the drawing!

Pirjo from Finland

Sarahlé said...

I've visited your blog and I must say you are talented ^^ Your glass pieces are really great. Please count me in, I would be delighted to win the little heart :)
Many thanks to you, have a nice day


Nancy Markosky said...

I love the beautiful heart and this blog hopping is great fun. Please enter my name to your generous drawing- thank you- Nancy

mrs beadsley said...

gorgeous heart - you do wonderful work! please toss my name in the hat to win this beauty........and if you have a sec, stop by my blog and enter my giveaway!

beenebag said...

beautiful heart. please sign me up.


Angel Tousignant said...

J'aimerais mettre mon nom dans le tirage.

Loves.Nature said...

Thank you for riding the Gypsy Caravan, what a great way to learn about new crafters/artists and items and neat blogs.


Unknown said...

Thank you for the great giveaway & the chance to win!

:) Melissa

Anonymous said...

What a lovely heart, please count me in! I've joined OWOH this year too, drop by my blog at :)

Ginger said...

I AM so happy i got a chance to check out your Blog and Etsy shop!!
I think that you are so creative and do amazing work!! I love the "Cupid Has My Heart" a lot and also your gumball machine is adorable:)

Carolee said...

What a lovely heart! Please do count me in. :)

~ Carolee

Melissa said...

Your heart is so pretty. I'd love to win. Please enter me in your drawing.

thank you,

malleycc said...

Great prize your heart is fabulous. I love it and would love to win. I cannot believe how much this contest has inspired me I hope to join in the contest next year.Thanks

Just Jenn Designz said...

I just love your Thousand Veils Heart. Please enter my name into your fabulous drawing. Thanks,

butterfly said...

Beautiful heart! Please enter me in your draw.

acereta said...

such a pretty heart! Please count me in.

Bethel of Bethania said...

I love your Giveaway & would love to be included please…
Do pop on over to My Place [if you haven’t already] & see what I’ve got to giveaway too… OOroo … Bethel … Down Under

Oops! Desperate Blogger~ said...

Absolutely beautiful piece! This is my first year in OWOH and it is so much fun. So many talented artists. Please enter me in your giveaway and visit my blog too!

Made by Melissa said...

Very pretty!

Feel free to stop by my OWOH blog and enter my giveaway:

artbeckons said...

so pretty - please include me in your drawing =) OWOH #433

Susan said...

Wonderful giveaway! please enter me too.
Susan V.

Visit my blog giveaway @
For chance at sculpted gourd!

Tumbleweed Trails said...

Your prize offering and Etsy items are so cute. Thank you for participating in the wonderful giveaway. Please enter my name into your drawing. It would be such a delight and honor to win. Jody

Barbara Olivo Cagle said...

I would love to win your heart! Your site and prize is so beautiful. I would love to win your prize. After this is all over I’m going to spend more time viewing every ones. Please stop at my site too. I’m giving away my new book.


Barbara #830

Anonymous said...

Lovely. Please enter me in your giveaway and if you have not already done so pop by mine and enter it.

Jodz said...

Please enter me in your great giveaway :)

Sugar and Spice Art Confections said...

Gorgeous heart! I would love to win!
I love that sweet angel! Your artwork is lovely too!


Renata Pacheco said...

What a great giveaway! I’d love to win. Please, enter me in your drawing. I’m participating in OWOH too. If you have some time (and if you didn’t do it yet), please, stop by my blog to see my giveaways. I’m #611 on Lisa’s list. Greetings from Brazil!

Annmarie said...

Beautiful heart. Hope I win it. Thanks for participating. annmarie (

CoffeyHouse Collection said...

Pretty!!! Please enter me! OWOH #834

Betty Boogie said...

very pretty!I'd love to win it, please count me in! (#906)

Dottie said...

What an awesome heart!!!

Please add me to the list of entries and if you have a chance, please visit my blog and giveaway (#669) Thanks!

Birgit said...

Lovely heart! :)

Greetings from Munich,
# 756 on the caravan :)

Stephanie said...

What a great giveaway! Please enter me in your drawing.


#813 on the OWOH Caravan
isastephanie @

Carla said...

Add me in:)

Lisa said...

I love your beautiful Thousand Veils Heart.. please add me to your drawing!

Merry said...

What beautiful beads etc you create. Please enter me in your wonderful draw. Thanks.

Judy said...

Love your blog.I have added you to my favorites. please enter me in your drawing.

Candie L said...

That is a gorgeous heart. Thank you.


daytoncat said...

very pretty! thanks for the chance to win!


Deborah said...

Beautiful heart. Please count me in.
deb2604 at

CatieAn said...

hello from the US!! What a beautiful heart!! Please enter me in your drawing.
The hop on over to my blog and enter for a chance to win a handmade journal or vintage chenille roping.

Corinna Nitschmann said...

A heart to decorate my felt work with! I go for it from Hungary.

Best regards

Corinna with the felted vessels
PS.: Let me invite you to my gift at Nr.802.

Ginny said...

How pretty, great giveaway!

Erin @ CanadianGiveaways said...

I would love to make a necklace from this!

Artseyanne said...

Cool, please include me in your draw.

ArtNomadix said...

Beautiful Works. Please visit my blog if you get time, #878
Love, Light, and Rainbows .....Megg

Kim Reid said...

Beautiful Heart! Please enter me in your great giveaway - Thank you!

kimberlybreid [at] hotmail [dot] com

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Thanks for sharing your talent via OWOH. Join me as well and count me in.

ozlynda said...

Fabulous work.
I would love to win the heart.
Please enter me into the draw and thanks for your generosity.
Lynda - Australia
lyndat65 at

Becky said...

Very pretty heart! Please enter me into your giveaway!


Anonymous said...

That is one beautiful heart. "Thousand Veils Heart" - Nice! Thanks for the chance

Barbara said...

You do beautiful work - I would love to win! Please enter my name in your wonderful drawing. Many thanks,

Kitty G said...

Wonderful giveaway - Thanks for the chance to win

Sarah said...

what a beautiful focal bead!

please do enter me in your drawing

I've had so much fun with OWOH this year - I only wish I could have had time to visit everyone taking part

Sarah x

demmi said...

please sign me up for your giveaway

Aleda said...

That is a really lovely heart, thank you so much for gifting it!

Nelsby said...

Thanks so much for the generous giveaway...I would be SO thrilled to win!
awaerhouse at gmail dot com

Kelly Snelling said...

your beads are beautiful. i'd be very delighted if i were the lucky winner. happy one world one heart!

Enzie Shahmiri said...

What a beautiful gift! Please visit my blogs for the different One World One Heart giveaways I am offering.

Unknown said...

OH YES, PLEASE INCLUDE ME!!! Thanks for your generosity and please enter my Giveaway: There's still time...

KJ - California