Monday, December 22, 2008

More on "My Brilliant Life"

My "title" is borrowed from the Miles Franklin Book My Brilliant Career .... How does an annual Christmas Dine around dinner become a 19 hour event... simple you live on an island... and the weather man is actually right for once! They forecast the blizzard to hit at 4 pm the snow started at 5 just as we drove off the ferry on the mainland... the winds were impressive way before 5! Not sure why they quit running the ferry at 8:30 last night but they did.... which left us on the wrong side of the water!

Diner was good G didn't think it was as good as previous years as his haddock almondine wasn't available.. but we did get the table in front of the fire at the Rossmount Inn for our hors-d'overes course... diner was at Europa Inn and desert was at the garden Cafe at Kingsbrae... they have the garden full of Christmas lights ... we did not walk around and admire the lights this year... we ran to the cafe past the 10 foot blow up Santa that was lyeing down on the job... fully inflated but flat on his back!

We spent the night in St George and got home at 11 am... G is still shovelling our driveway... This is looking like it may be a very long winter!

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