Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What computers do ..... (or don't do!)

This was not the intended topic for my one week anniversary however as I was playing on google this morning trying to see if my etsy site came up at all if you typed in Islandgirl... short answer is NO it doesn't...
However if you type in Islandgirl.etsy you do get a hit.... I just about fell over I was laughing so hard when I read what the search engines coughed up for the featured item on that hit!
Actually there was a bit about my shipping policies to Canada first and then this !

... If I only had a bra... islandgirl, $48.00 ...*

That hit is reminiscent of the 'false advertising' on my point of sales terminal in the gallery when someone purchases something and pays using a 'card' the top of the sales slips read

"Fireball Gallery & Stud"...

I'm still waiting for the stud to show up!
(That was entered by a human... there is no excuse there!)

Whereas when your dealing with search engines it's all done by computers or some form of bot trolling through cyber space andthe little bots just take a snapshot of what they see, which only uses so many characters... but you think there would be some way of making sure that the chopped off words don't have a totally different meaning from what was intended!

Actual title "If I Only had a BRAIN!"

*note: (I really do have one or more of those!)


  1. that is too funny...now i want to google my shop and see what comes up...i think your beads shows exactly who is controlling the search engines...he he he...

    thanks for sharing that story...

  2. Very funny, Lynne! Computers are only as good as their connections. If I google my real name, I am either a Butter Queen or an African-American political activist, so go figure!
