Saturday, November 22, 2008


Maybe once it quits snowing here I can go out and make a cute little family of snowpeople... But right now the fog horn is blaring and the snow is falling and it's much to cold to make snowballs! I'm wondering what someone did to offend the weather gods...* Since we got home on November 4... I have been opening the gallery on saturdays.... We haven't had great weather the other 6 days of the week but Saturdays have been awful! Today it is snowing... yesterday was sunny and crisp... last saturday it poured rain....

I escaped to the Mainland yesterday... coming home in the ferry lineup my car brakes quit... It's a very disconcerting feeling when you are parked nose down on a hill.... I started the car with my foot on the brake... that foot sort of caught then went straight to the floor fortunately I drive a standard and was well behind the car in front... Poor Lizzy (my '95 Mustang) got parked on the other side of the ferry and I went running down the ferry ramp. Should be an interesting 15 minute drive (normal rural highway speeds) to the car repair place tomorrow if it's quit snowing and the snow is cleared no brakes and ice could be way too exciting for me! And yes there are hills including one with a stop sign at the bottom!

*BBC info on weather gods... I noticed that there are no weather gods for snow.. I wonder why?

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