Sunday, December 9, 2018

Baby It's Cold Outside

It's too bad when people have nothing better to do than dissect songs from our youth.  When you buy a house that was built in the 1920's lots of what would now be building code violations are grandfathered in... unless you alter the wiring you don't have to upgrade it/change it  unless you want to, so why should radio stations quit playing songs that we have listened to our entire lives because someone finds it offensive... sorry if you don't like it turn off the radio!  And yes it is cold outside here!  We went from HOT HOT SUMMER to winter this year... not sure what happened to fall!

How to entertain yourself when it's too cold to do anything outside!
This is a 'diamond painting'
size 40 cm * 40 cm
25600 'diamonds' were applied to make this
kept me out of trouble for a long time!

And the only beads I've made recently are from a German white wine bottle... the glass was a really lovely blue!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Another Canada Post strike..............

Thanks to Canada Post I have Officially moved Christmas 2018 to Mid March 2019, unless you live within driving distance of me you will not be receiving gifts until March and cards probably never.  I am not paying $45 to 'ship' a 3 pound parcel across Canada so that it can be under the tree on Christmas Day  Forget it!...  Canada Posts rates are bad enough !  And I will not add to the backlog of letters etc in Toronto by mailing Christmas Cards........

I actually missed the beginning of the strike as we spent 18 days in AZ... the weather was lovely, which it was not and still is not here... We have SNOW Gack....
We spent out first morning in AZ at the AZ Sonora Desert Museum, Thunderstorms hit about 12:45 so we left to avoid getting stuck on the wrong side of  a raging torrent... think this place is worthy of a repeat visit!

This was flaming sushi... which means it really wasn't sushi anymore since the flames basically cooked it.. was fun watching it flame though!

Painted petroglyph Park, definitely worth the $2.00 parking fee!


 The closet thing to a selfie that you will ever see me post!

Standin' on a corner in Winslow AZ... such a fine sight to see
And yes there is a flat bed Ford parked there!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Fall already....

The only good thing about fall is getting to wear Halowe'en Jewellery!  Recently I've been playing around with enamels and my automotive hydraulic press...
Spider cat.. someone pointed out that he appears to be terrified of the spider hanging off his back leg!

Enameled Ghosts and witches hats
 (Found the funky earring stand in a store going out of business in Key West last winter)

Original enameled cats with their own personal pumpkins!

Today is the end of the sailing season the boat is having it's mast taken down.  I crewed on 4 races  this summer and we won them all... No thanks to me... the 2 races he had friends crewing he didn't do so well, I think to much time was spent drinking and chatting, he also won the only race he did solo.

Since it's still lovely here I'm headed back to the deck with my book!

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Happy Birthday to Me

Although I quit counting (birthdays) a few years ago!  After a week of really hot sunny weather today was gloomy and dull! The sun is finally trying to shine at 3:30 in the afternoon, so didn't even get to spend the day on the deck reading!  Had to find something even more useless to do.

My hydrangea really likes the high humidity this year!

Speaking of useless..... You are looking at a cat who leads a very stressful life!

The last week or so I've been working on my secret bead along pieces... was almost finished when I managed to drop one of the 'carrier' beads through the deck, both Gord and I looked for ages no bead... so am waiting for beads that I ordered so that I can finish !  Next time the carrier beads will be FIRMLY glued in place!  Picture will be posted when it is DONE!

Friday, August 3, 2018

More Sailing

Well last Saturday was the Rum Runners Race, The race is in Cobscook Bay ME.  We went over the night before and had dinner at The Wharf Restaurant in Lubec.  It's a converted Sardine Factory.  Dinner was good, we moored right in front of them but they don't have their floating wharf out this year so we had to row over to the harbor masters wharf then walk up the hill to the restaurant.  Major pain.  We were planning on eating breakfast there too but ate on Main Street instead!  Anyway back to the race; we won ....  Haven't tried out our prize yet.

There is another race this weekend starting and ending in St Andrew's NB, I'm staying home and working in the gallery.  See if he can win without me to get in his way!
Mini enameled flowers, they should be on etsy but etsy has made listing stuff so complicated that if I can't copy or relist I don't do it!

Sculpture outside the Sardine museum in Lubec... it was just  slightly foggy!
                                                                  Great sailing weather...

Monday was finally warm enough to felt the rest of my unfelted hats... thought they might dry a bit faster on the deck posts!

The Gallery is either really busy or I don't see anyone all day... I do know if the tourism office isn't open that everyone stops here for maps!  

Monday, July 23, 2018

Sailing then & now

Well we won the Roosevelt cup last weekend.. my contribution to sailing is staying out of the Captains way or unhooking the foresail when it gets hooked on the safety line.. sometimes I'm allowed to fetch beer!
A fishing weir,
fog rolling though the cove
and our boat just before we left.

Next weekend Saturday only the gallery will be closed for the Rum Runners Race, the forecast is for thunderstorms again this year which is what we got last year too.

Speaking of the gallery things are very slow here this year as we don't have our private ferry going to Campobello Island.  The ferry that has been going there sank last year just before Christmas and the owner doesn't seem to be trying very hard to get the replacement finished!  SO if you are planning on going to Campobello via Deer Island this summer you can't , however we would love for you to come and spend the day on Deer Island instead!

I also got a bunch of new paintings this week so come check out the gallery walls if your on the island... remember the government ferry from the mainland is FREE and runs every half hour during the day.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

It's HOT!!

Just had 3 really hot muggy days think the temp peaked out at 37 C which is exactly 100 F... warm enough even for me!

The Gallery will be closed  July 14  and 15, 2018 (next weekend!)
We will be sailing near Campobello for the weekend.  The Canada Race was a 4 way tie for First, the 5th boat was disqualified because it started it's engine.

Latest batch of poppies.

St Andrew's fire works on Canada Day

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Summer 2018

Yes summer is officially here...  I have bought all sorts of yummy new plants for the deer to eat... They seem to be focusing on last year honeysuckle, the day lilies and my new haskap berries...  which I noticed today are a form of honeysuckle no wonder the deer like them  they look like long blueberries... or would if they had any flowers to set fruit!
Irises that I imported from SK guess the Deer Island Deer don't recognize them as food!
If anyone local is reading this the gallery is open for the season however I'm going to crew on my husbands boat selective race weekends this summer including July 1, check my blog Fireballbeeds for weekends that I'm closed.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Happy New Year (2018) & where did 2017 go?

Oops is all I can say about 10 months of missing posts in  2017....   All I remember is it ended in the deep freeze which is where 2018 started...  one day it snows the next day it rains... today it is snowing.. I'm hibernating until we leave for warmer  climes...

My alpha  male Sir Emmit 'woke up dead' to quote my mother on Sunday morning.. he just slowly faded away.. he will be missed the other two cats are already trying to kill each other  without the peace maker in the house!

The day we brought him home from The SPCA....

5 years later

Showing true grumpy cat Christmas spirit!

Yea I love cuddles!

Posing for his portrait... the Christmas collar lasted 30 seconds after he went outside never found it!

Giant cat.. pointing out that he really is a little grey person and is entitled to use person doors not'cat' doors!
Today is snowing.. I'm hoping to go pat my torch on the head later today.. at least it's only -4 C now not - 20 which feels like -90 with the wind howling off the North Atlantic!

Anyway wishing everyone a wonderful  2018!