Friday, November 18, 2016

Port aransas Texas last month

Jelly fish Corpus Christi Aquarium

Turtle off of the Port Aransas Breakwater
(Only took 200 pictures!)

Monday, July 25, 2016

Do dogs belong in private galleries... Simple answer NO!

OK.. You're right I haven't been here for awhile.. spent 4 weeks in Florida this winter then attended my fathers memorial in Alberta ... 12000 miles or something in the car..  (MY POOR BUTT!)  We took the scenic route from FL to Alberta.   Moab was probably the highlight  we were there were 10000 jeep type vehicles...

When we got to Alberta it was  in the 70's the end of March;  Ottawa was -5 a week later.. I had to break out real shoes for the first time in 7 weeks....We actually  took the Auto train from Lorton VA to Fl so didn't drive that segment going down... it was interesting.. but wouldn't do it in the summer.  Most of it was overnight so you see very little.... but it was a good way to avoid a whole bunch of winter driving!

As for the title of this blog.. I run a gallery "Fireball Gallery" , lords cove NB:  I specialize in work done by Canadian Women (including myself).  My gallery is on a small island in the Bay of Fundy it really is an island you have to take a ferry!  I am open 7 days a week from sometime in June most years until mid September. i am the ONLY emplyee! ( However this year I'm actually closing Aug 24th... more on that in a future post!).  The gallery is attached/part of  the house....  I regularly have customers that think FIDO is welcome in my gallery ... WELL GUESS WHAT .. he isn't I have 3 cats.. 

Meet Sir Emmitt ... he really doesn't like dogs!
Other than maybe as a light snack in between mice!
leave your dogs in the car or walk them on the road....  I'm really sorry Charlie had his face ripped off this week I told you I had 3 cats... I really don't care if Charlie your 90 pound Golden Retriever is friendly Sir Emmit my 10 pound male grey cat didn't like you!