Friday, June 27, 2014

week 26 ~ Half way there....

Time flies... we are halfway through year two of Focus on Life... Here's a couple of my all time favorite pictures...(at least since I entered the digital world of photography!)

Driving North from the South rim of the Grand Canyon May 2010
Casa Batllo Barcelona Spain April 2014

I actually bought a water colour painting of Casa Batllo from a street artist  while we were there this time... this is a really neat building both inside and out!

(These are two of the photos I might have entered in Sally's contest if I had remembered to enter...)

To see other peoples favorite photos click on the LINKZ link...

Friday, June 20, 2014

Week 25~ Be Colourful!

More pictures from my garden....  This weeks colour!  Mainly begonias
My Garden June 17 - 2014

Glass spinning tops,  Cherry blossom beads, and more cat beads

To see where other people found colour this week click on the linkz link....

Friday, June 13, 2014

Week 24: ~ Have FUN!!!

Ended up in St Andrew's at lunch time on Thursday, the bar we ate lunch in has a jam night most thursdays... saw this sign as we were leaving... I'm sure it doesn't really say free winos with a jug of beer...... But that's what I thought it said when I walked out the door!  
 (We were in SA because I wanted a footstool to go with my vinyl Adirondack Chair!  Of course I ended up buying a new chair to go with the new  footstool since my chairs are all old and faded!)

Free Winos...
Just what everyone wants for free in a bar... WINOS!
Crochet bombed trees in Tenerife...

To see how other people had fun this week  click on the linkz...