Friday, December 27, 2013

Week 52 ~ Saying Goodbye

This is the final week for Focus on Life... year  1... I have posted every week....

I'd really rather not say goodbye to this group!  It's been a lot of fun... Sally announced last week that the group would be continuing. The 'blog' signups for year two have started so some of us won't be saying good-bye! 

What have I said goodbye to this year...  My tacky country kitch kitchen

The sink is just out of this picture to the right.  You can't really see the vinyl wall paper with little blue houses all over it  (GACK)

Same wall, same counter top refinished... window used to be above sink and didn't look outside... oven hood will be put back together after tiles have been grouted... stove is where the sink used to be  Fridge is now where all the drawers are in the 'country kitch kitchen'

My mother said goodbye to the condo that they moved in to in October  2010, when she was moved into extended care , (shortly after her 90th birthday) dad is wait listed to be moved into the same complex.  So the condo will need to be cleaned out.....

To see what other people have said goodbye to click on the following links!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Week 51 ~ togetherness

Once again I am totally reinterpreting the prompt...  'Togetherness"

What is a north American toilet without toilet paper

We're always happy when these are together!

The cats have chosen who they want to be together with!
I'm actually trying to knit!

What we usually spend New Years Eve doing... I got started early this year!

To see how other people interpetted togetherness click on the following links!


Saturday, December 14, 2013

Ornament swap and hop...

If your looking for 'week 50'  ~Pops of Red..scroll down!

Another blog hop facilitated by Sally Russick... What would you have seen on this blog without her prompting this year?  VERY LITTLE!

My partner in the Swap was Paula Kramer (Cave Creek Beads) from Arizona... would love to be in Arizona today as it's offically COLD here!

Paula sent me two beaded ornaments  I should have photographed them separately ... a sparkly white beaded icicle  doesn't show up on a white background and a dark blue star doesn't show up on an open wire tree!

Ornaments hanging on the side of my photocube...

Ornaments straddling a beaded ball that my mother bought in India years ago.... (the icicle is trying to spin... so wouldn't focus!)

Almost in focus together on the tree.. Aren't the pretty?

The ornament I sent her.

My computer decided to be helpful and changed what I originally wrote which was 'Two lovely beaded ornaments" to "Two Love Beads"... sorry computer I did notice your attempt to hijack my post!

Too see all the other handmade ornaments follow the links below!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Week 50 ~ Pops Of Red

Focus on Life ... week 50

My entire kitchen bathroom reno was designed around pops of red... It all started with a tiny bright red fibre-glass bathroom sink that I found on the deep discount table at the local hardware store...

So much for cheap... I think those red glass tiles more than made up for the cheap sink!
(my Christmas hand towel from Sears with the red light bulb!)

Part of the refinished original kitchen counter..
 the cutting board and  'silicon' colander were a gift from my son a couple of years ago.  The back-splash tiles are being put up today... They're limestone in the kitchen ... not red glass!

The fish is cast paper.. I bought her on the outer-banks last fall...  Yep she's on the kitchen wall above the toaster... her lips match the toaster perfectly!

I saw this toaster in St John's NL 18 months ago... and decided it needed a new home
To see how other people interpreted Pops of red click on the following links!

Friday, December 6, 2013

week 49 ~ Add a Little Sparkle

Only three weeks of 'Focus on Life' left after today!

Haven't decorated my wire tree yet...  Thommy thinks it's her new hidey hole!

Top right picture was not a planned image!

Sparkling new floor... Actually it's the original kitchen floor from when the house was built in the 40's refinished!

To see what's sparkling in other peoples lives this week check out the following links!