Thursday, May 17, 2012

Well I just got my boarding pass online.....

I'm used to Canadian airlines where the baggage is free... yea we only get one 50 lb. bag now for free.... but why don't the American Airlines just charge when you book the flight, instead of when you are printing your boarding pass...?  I'm heading to GA tomorrow  .... my William Holland class for the year... Gord gets to babysit the gallery... so if your looking for a deal come while he's in charge!

If you have never seen utube video  this it's worth wasting 4 minutes and 16 seconds!


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Almost Wordless Wednesday & Bead Table Wednesday

My first 'succesful' cored big holed bead...  The tubing is actually aluminium not sterling... The hardest part is actually getting the holes centered on the bead caps!  If someone out there knows the trick to this... 

The closure on the silk cord is based on this free tutorial on Jennifer Camron's blog 'Glass Addictions'

Gord launched Money Pit last Monday... and since then the trees between our house and the water have come into bloom... and for once we actually had 'blue' sky... Today the rain is coming down in buckets!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Jewelry Artisans Blog Carnival .... Mother's Day 2012

Time for the monthly Jewelery Artisans Community Blog Carnival... this months topic is mothers day but since I don't really make themed jewellery and we don't seem to celebrate mother's day......

I've spent a lot of time since we got home from our weekend at Saltscapes in Halifax setting up the gallery for the summer... I was there helping promote our local Tourism Organization CCRTA... and no it doesn't have anything to do with Credence Clearwater Revival (although CCR music playing in the background would be preferable to elevator music!)  In this case CCR stands for Charlotte Coastal Region .... Which is an area strung along the North Shore of the Beginning of the Bay of Fundy

I'm gearing up for summer in the gallery... My new pottery started coming in before we left for Edmonton in early April so by the time it was all here and unpacked I could no longer see the living room floor... I unpack in the living room because it has a carpet (tile is very unforgiving) and I can spread it out without mucking up the gallery if some unsuspecting tourist actually stops and wants something other than directions back to the ferry! I really should have taken a picture as the floor was totally covered.... Big problem... The gallery looked really good before I tried to add another 6 or 7 cubic feet of pottery...  This may be the year for the first annual I bought to much new stock sale.... Table outside July 1-4 weekend?

Yesterday I spent adding new jewellery to the gallery... yes I sell jewellery that I don't make... there are people out there that don't like glass beads! I don't understand that but there is no accounting for taste!

Two days ago I was in the hot tub and a hummingbird buzzed me and tried to grab some of my hair on the way by!..... nest building....? I've never seen a hummingbird nest  Wonder if she though my hair was a replacement for spiders webs or if it was funny coloured lichen?

I won't be doing anything for mother's day... my mother is 4000 km away and although my son is only 90 minutes away he was here once this week already fixing the hot tub controller.... So to all you mothers out there who celebrate this Hallmark Holiday...  
Happy Mother's Day! 
To me it's just another day in the life of a self employed artsit!

I leave you with the closest thing to a bouquet of flowers that I have! A new set of tiny enameled Poppy headpins!

Other members of JA participating:
Bead up a storm
Bead Sophisticate
cat's wire

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Almost wordless Wednesday

Decided it was time to get a professionally printed gallery card.... & wanted a picture of the gallery on the front.... Really liked the look of this picture (except for all the little yellow flowers in the lawn!) but it wasn't the right shape....

So I squished it! I think it's still totally recognizable?

The back of the brochure will have a map of Deer Island and some contact info Should I put a QR code on it? Does anyone actually use them?

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Better Late than Never!

OK ... Deer proofing my Magnolia worked!  I have flowers!  My car had it's battery replaced yesterday... It's been a bit flaky for the last couple of years...  When we took it out we noticed it was the original battery... Don't think car batteries are suppose to las for 17 years!

My magnolia may have flowers but the deer took out their frustrations on my lily's instead this year.. they are all chewed off at ground level!

Where have I been....  Edmonton....  There should have been a post before this as I've been home for over a week however Air Canada borrowed our luggage for awhile...., this after deliverying us home a day late...  then I misplaced my camera cable...

Yesterday I spent trying to find the living room floor.....  Summer stock for the gallery has been arriving for the last month.... I've been unpacking in the living room and then leaving the pottery there hoping some good fairy would find room in the gallery for it and put it into the computer... no such luck, still have one artist to go ..... then  wait for the elusive customer.....
Here's the finished afgan....  Forgot to take it's picture at Christmas!