Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday & Bead Table Wednesday (BTW)

I noticed a bunch of enameled beads during the Bead Soup Blog hop... and decided I needed some... Originally I was going to buy a bunch of finished beads... but then I thought... I have a torch I even have some enamels... & I've enameled before...I ordered a bunch of things from Barbara Lewis at Painting with Fire....  Mainly beads and super skinny mandrels... In the first order the mandrels were missed so I spent about half an hour a couple of weeks ago belt sanding a 2mm mandrel down to a 1 mm mandrel... so that I could play!  You're not seeing the 4 beads I made with that mandrel befor I burnt it... What you are seeing is what I made today with the mandrels that Barbara sent me and the free  enamels she sent ... isn't that green transparent enamel a gorgeous colour!  And .....The beads are so light...