Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Almost wordless Wednesday

Doesn't this piece of driftwood look like a hand?

Friday, June 18, 2010

Covered Bridge

New Brunswick is actually quite famous for it's covered bridges... when I moved here 10 years ago a lot of them were still being used on secondary highways....(now they are mostly blocked) . Last week I spent 4 days at Fundy National Park, Hopewell Rocks and Shediac... this is what the sky looked like most of that time... but at least it didn't rain!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

ABS Carnival Bloggers.... June Statement necklace

What's more appropriate for June than a white lacy necklace..... Our challenge this month was to make a necklace that made a statement....

Every month a group of us write a blog in response to the challenge topic... Then our fearless leader Cindy compiles excerpts from our bogs .... to read these... click on the Art Bead Scene Carnival Blogger Button beside this post!

Or check out the other Carnival bloggers that participated in this challenge!

Cindy Dolezal Designs Blog

Cindy Gimbrone

Intuitive Sparks by Christine Hansen

Islandgirl's Insites

Janel Dudley

Jeannie's Blog

Jen Velasquez

June ABS Carnival Blog Statement Necklace

Kate Clawsons Blog

Marcie Abney

Nicki's Reef

Mary Harding's Jewlry