Friday, August 28, 2009

Fire Divas Fall Challenge

Go check out the fire Divas fall challenge... the beads are listed on the left edge of Dorset Hills blog... Go vote for your favorite... and while your there take a guess at her 'Theme for Thursday' I'm not going to tell you which mine is other than he's been around!

Feels like fall is in the air today... but it's been a lovely sunny day!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Almost Wordless Wednesday OK it's Thursday... I'm a day late!

I'm still on my quest for the perfect tree... this is Tuesdays and Wednesdays beads.. Monday's broke after I stuck my finger in the flame looking for a clear stringer.... (finger will recover bead won't!)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Another 'almost' wordless day

I have too many pictures ... This is one of my new lilies... the black (dark purple) lily never got a bud I hope it comes back next year... The pink ones glowing in the background did really well! They remind me of the ones dad has in Alberta... he grew them outside the fence in the back alley and someone stole every single flower one summer.. Their neighbor said well you would have given them to the person if they would have asked you ... wouldn't you?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Almost Wordless Wednesday

Your sure this is a FISH???? Does it move?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wordless Wednesday (almost)

This is yesterdays tree bead.. Yes they are getting better... I used Lauscha olive green on the bottom... I have a green enamel that is exactly the same colour so I was able to cover up my mucky tree trunk! At the moment the bead is a plant poke... we are hoping that that will not be a permanent affliction!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I found a little blue lamb in May Beads Store on Etsy... When I was much younger I used to have a fairly large plush Blue lamb with an orange face . Lambie went everywhere with me... My mother still doesn't know how/where I managed to hide him! To see the other Diva's of the Day check out the Diva's Blog

I'm also a member of The CGGE team on etsy.... Isn't Arnold the Penguin a cutie!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Almost Wordless Wednesday... a day late

Well I'm back.... the workshop in Ottawa was wonderful.... I actually did sell a few beads in the Starving Artists SSSH sale ... if you missed the sale too bad the beads are all back up to full price...

Here's a bead that I made Monday after I got home from Ana's class... the tree is marginal but I love the background, & the shape needs some work!

Never got the picture uploaded so here it is a day late .... the dramatic 'windblown' one on the left is from the workshop the one on the right I did on Monday...